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I attached no importance to the story, as I had invariably known the friends of the Rebels to predict wonderful movements that never occurred. Meeting the post-commandant shortly afterward, I told him what I had heard. He assured me there was nothing to fear, and that every thing was arranged to insure a successful defense. On this point I did not agree with him.

Thurstane was also busy, working all day and half of the night over his government accounts, so that he might if possible get off with Clara. Coronado thought of making interest with the post-commandant to have Thurstane kept a few days in Santa .

But the post-commandant was a grim and taciturn old major, who looked him through and through with a pair of icy gray eyes, and returned brief answers to his musical commonplaces. Coronado did not see how he could humbug him, and concluded not to try it. The attempt might excite suspicion; the major might say, "How is this your business?"

The baroness, though not young, was still pretty, and so elegant, so majestic! A few days later I could add, so good, so lovable! Celeste du Clozel was eighteen. Her hair was black as ebony, and her eyes a beautiful blue. She was engaged, we learned afterward, to the Chevalier de Blanc, the same who in 1803 was made post-commandant of Attakapas.