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The Pilot-Fish had long since departed for other scenes, and Sammy wished that he had consented to accompany him. Now it was too late, and the only thing to do was to wait and hope for some way of beating a retreat.

Sharks we caught occasionally, on large hooks, with chain-swivels, bent on a length of small rope. And sharks meant pilot-fish, and remoras, and various sorts of parasitic creatures. Regular man- eaters some of the sharks proved, tiger-eyed and with twelve rows of teeth, razor-sharp.

"What, Swinburne!" said I, shaking him by the hand, for I was delighted to see him, "is it you?" "Why, Mr Simple! Well, then, I expect that I'm right, and that Mr O'Brien is made, and commands this craft. When you meet the pilot-fish, the shark ain't far off, you know." "You're very right, Swinburne," said I, "in all except calling Captain O'Brien a shark. He's no shark."

"Ah, Padre, that wife of mine has eyes like a pilot-fish. I'm in for it." "Borrow one from the colonel before you go home," suggested Abbott. "That's not half bad," gratefully. Harrigan began to recount the trials of forgetfulness. Slyly from the corner of her eye Nora looked at Courtlandt, who was at that moment staring thoughtfully into his tea-cup and stirring the contents industriously.

Everything else was, of course, thrown aside. Bucher never made social visits. He was the pilot-fish of the whale, and a visit from him ``meant business.

If he is a rogue, his evil influence remains behind him, and, next to the maidservants, it is the page who suffers most from it. He becomes poor little fellow! almost by necessity an accessory to his delinquencies, plays pilot-fish to the other's shark, and himself grows up to swell the host of bad servants and that army of martyrs their masters and mistresses.

Every man now struggled to obtain a moment's safety. Well they knew that one drop of blood would have been scented by the everlasting pilot-fish, the jackalls of the shark; and that their destruction was inevitable, if one only of these monsters should discover this rich repast, or be led to its food by the little rapid hunter of its prey.

The fancifulness of the comparison made him smile. A whale with an inseparable pilot-fish! That's what the old man looked like; for it could not be said he looked like a shark, though Mr. Massy had called him that very name. But Mr. Massy did not mind what he said in his savage fits.

I remember very well being over the side painting in this way, one fine afternoon, our vessel going quietly along at the rate of four or five knots, and a pilot-fish, the sure precursor of a shark, swimming alongside of us. The captain was leaning over the rail watching him, and we went quietly on with our work. In the midst of our painting, on

"You needn't trouble to throw out your line, little Will'm," said he, "that ere takes no bait, not it." "Why?" asked the boy. "Because it's something else to do than forage for itself. I dare say its master an't far off." "What is it?" "That be the pilot-fish. See! turns away from us. It gone back to him as has sent it." "Sent it! Who, Ben?" "A shark, for sarten. Didn't I tell ye? Look yonder.