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In a country town the person who thinks, instinctively hunts out the other man who thinks granting the somewhat daring hypothesis that there are two of them. So Byron and the Pigots often met for walks and talks, and on such occasions the poet would read to his friends the scraps of verse he had written.

Good morning yes, splendid, thank you never fitter Very busy yes, of course what Lunch Thursday?... Oh, but delighted. Just let me look at my book a moment? Yes quite free Who? The Frasers and Pigots? Oh! delightful! 1.30, delightful!" Mr. Boset, settled once more in his chair, was as charming as possible. You would suppose that the whole day was at Peter's service.

Such meetings always ended by Byron's reading to his friends any chance rhymes he had written since they last met. John Morley dates the birth of Byron's poetic genius from his meeting with Miss Chaworth, while Taine names Southwell as the pivotal point. Probably both are right. But this we know, that it was the Pigots who induced Byron to collect his rhymes and have them printed.

He was received both at Quebec and Ville-Marie with all the respect due to his dignity and birth, encountering no opposition in the discharge of his duties in either city. M. Souart was appointed pastor of Ville-Marie, the Jesuit Father, Claude Pigots, who had until then discharged the duties of pastor, resigning gracefully in his favor.