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"I says, 'Well, Doc, some day you'll see how deep in error you are, and I didn't say no more. "Of course Doc wouldn't let well-enough alone. There was a big spiritualist over to Peory, Illinoy, a reg'lar ghost-raisin' feller, and what did Doc do but write over and git him to come to Kilo and give a seance. That is a meetin' where they raise up ghosts.

"You will do nothing of the sort," said the doctor, wearily. "You'll make a fuss, and your husband will hit you again, and go away." "He was all right, as nice a man as you could find before she came to Peory. You see she is married to another man, a baker, and they lived in Decatur.

It wuz nuts fur Dock 'nd Lem to see the two wimmin squirm, 'nd all the way to Peory they didn't talk about nuthink but snakes 'nd spiders 'nd mice 'nd caterpillers. When the train got to Peory a gentleman met the two wimmin 'nd says to one uv 'em: "I'm 'feered the trip hain't done you much good, Lizzie," says he.

"The woman shook him time of the strikes, when his money was gone." "Well, isn't that what you wanted?" Mrs. Ducharme nodded her head slowly. "She made him bad. He drinks, awful sometimes, and whenever I say anything, he says he's going back to Peory, to that woman." Alves waited for the expected request for money.

She followed him to the station without protest, fascinated by his strong will. Sommers bought a ticket to St. Louis and handed it to her with a dollar. "Remember, if I see or hear of you again," he put his finger in his waistcoat pocket, significantly. "And there are other powders," he added grimly. "Ducharme has gone back to Peory.

You kin imagine how that other feller's cigar tasted when he lighted it ag'in. Dock tried it on me oncet, 'nd when I lighted up ag'in seemed like I wuz smokin' a piece uv rope or a liver-pad. One time Dock 'nd Lem Thompson went over to Peory on the railroad, 'nd while they wuz settm' in the car in come two wimmin 'nd set in the seat ahead uv 'em.

But I didn't tell you: I found 'em in Peory in a place not fit for hogs to live in, and I watched my chance and gave it to the woman. But Ducharme came in and he pushed me out, and I fell, and guess I cracked my head. That's when my eye began to hurt. The kafe business ran out, and I followed them to Chicago. And here I been for three months, doing most anything, housework generally.

Ducharme he's a Frenchman knew her in Decatur where he worked in a restaurant, and he came to Peory to get rid of her. And he got a job and was real steady and quiet. Then we got married, and Ducharme was as nice a man as you ever knew. But we wasn't married a week we had a kafe together before she got wind o' his being married and come to town.