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"Fame!" he exclaims, in meditation; "some very humble persons in a town may be said to possess it, as the penny-post, the town-crier, the constable, and they are known to everybody; while many richer, more intellectual, worthier persons are unknown by the majority of their fellow-citizens."

"How did he die?" she questioned breathlessly. "Of heart disease." So then the world would not know the truth, if what she feared were truth. "I will go home," she said. "Please tell Ninitta." When she reached her rooms she found a letter, addressed in Dr. Ashton's hand, which the penny-post had left for her after she had gone out in the morning.

Post communication between London and most towns of England, Scotland, and Ireland existed in 1935. The penny-post was first set up in London and its suburbs in 1681 as a private enterprise, and nine years later became a branch of the general post. Mail coaches, for the conveyance of letters, began to run between London and Bristol in 1784.

Trilby sermons have been preached from prominent pulpits, and the periodicals, from penny-post to pretentious magazine, have Trilbyismus and have it bad.

On such errands he appears in the likeness of an undersized, portly old gentleman, with gray hair, a bluff red face, and a loud tone of voice; and many people mistake him for the penny-post. Never does a marriage take place, but Time is present among the wedding- guests; for marriage is an affair in which Time takes more interest than in almost any other.

With the penny-post instead of travelling messengers at his command, and pen instead of wax and sticks, or perhaps with an instrument-writer and a private secretary, he would have answered all questions and solved all difficulties.

Perhaps that had been his intention; but before two days were over he had remembered that though it might be base to tell her ladyship's secrets, the penny-post was still open to him. It certainly was the case that Lady Kingsbury had spoken to him with strong hopes of the death of the heir to the title. Mr.

Not long ago he sent a note through the penny-post, sealed with a wafer, directed to the Marchioness of Conyngham, the king's mistress, in reply to an invitation from her ladyship, which he accepted, to meet the king! At least, such was the interpretation he put upon it.

The above extracts are given in illustration of the last new discovery in the science of puffing a discovery by which, through the agency of the press, the penny-post, and the last new London Directory, the greatest rogues are enabled to practise upon the simplicity of our better-halves, while we think them secure in the guardianship of home.

In 1837 Sir Rowland Hill published his post-office reform pamphlet, and in 1839 the penny-post scheme was embodied in an Act of Parliament. What stories clustered round the early miniature "heads" of her Majesty in the little dull red stamp!