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Here he tried various experiments in the culture of the vine, such, for instance, as that of burying vines in winter, which Leonardo noted down when he visited Vigevano in March, 1492. At the same time Lodovico brought vast flocks of sheep from Languedoc, and built the large farm known as La Pecorara, close to the new villa.

Some wolves and wild goats having been driven into a wood near La Pecorara, which, as you know, is about a mile from here, on the way to La Sforzesca, Cardinal Sanseverino had a common farm pig shut up in the same enclosure, and the next day we went out hunting, and took Mariolo with us.

"The fashion of their friendship was such," says Commines, "that it could not last long. But for the present the king could not do without Lodovico." On the 13th, Charles slept at the Sforzesca and visited Lodovico's famous farm of La Pecorara, or Les Granges, as the French chroniclers termed this vast farm, where agricultural industries were cultivated on such a splendid scale.

Relations between Lodovico and Beatrice Cecilia Gallerani Birth of her son Cesare Her marriage to Count Bergamini Beatrice at Villa Nova and Vigevano The Sforzesca and Pecorara Lodovico's system of irrigation in the Lomellina Leonardo at Vigevano Hunting-parties and country life Letters to Isabella d'Este.