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John Bulmer will set forth upon a little journey into Poictesme. You will obligingly pack a valise. No, I shall not require you, for John Bulmer was entirely capable of dressing and shaving himself. So kindly go to the devil, Pawsey, and stop staring at me."

DUC DE PUYSANGE, a true Frenchman, a pert, railing fribble, but at bottom a man of parts. MARQUIS DE SOYECOURT, a brisk, conceited rake, and distant cousin to de Puysange. CAZAIO, captain of brigands. DOM MICHEL FREGOSE, a lewd, rascally friar. GUITON, steward to de Puysange. PAWSEY, Ormskirk's man. ACHON, a knave. MICHAULT, another knave.

Later in the evening Pawsey, a thought mellowed by the ale of Dover, deplored with tears the instability of a nation whose pilots were addicted to tippling. "Drunk as David's sow!" said Pawsey, "and 'im in the hactual presence of 'is Sacred Majesty!" Thus it came about that, five days later, arrived at Bellegarde Mr. John Bulmer, kinsman and accredited emissary of the great Duke of Ormskirk.

He had strayed into Faery somehow into Atlantis, or Avalon, or "a wood near Athens," into a land of opalescence and vapor and delicate color, that would vanish, bubble-like, at the discreet tap of Pawsey fetching in his shaving-water; meantime John Bulmer's memory snatched at each loveliness, jealously, as a pug snatches bits of sugar. Beneath her window he paused and shifted his lute before him.

"Behold, what I am longing for! I am longing for John Bulmer." Presently he sounded the gong upon his desk. And presently he said: "My adorable Pawsey, the great Duke of Ormskirk is now going to pay his respects to George Guelph, King of Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith. Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburg, and supreme head of the Anglican and Hibernian Church. And to-morrow Mr.

Once he killed a dog with the stick. The dog belonged to Win Pawsey, the shoe merchant, and stood on the sidewalk wagging its tail. Tom King killed it with one blow. He was arrested and paid a fine of ten dollars. Old Edward King was small of stature and when he passed people in the street laughed a queer unmirthful laugh. When he laughed he scratched his left elbow with his right hand.