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It struck the ground, and, glancing, boomed deep on the breast protector. How the Salisbury supporters roared their approval! One man out the bases full with Reed, the slugging captain, at bat! If Reed had a weakness, Wayne had not discovered it yet, although Reed had not hit safely. The captain stood somewhat back from the plate, a fact that induced Wayne to try him with the speedy outcurve.

He rose; and with a sort of deep sorrow at my stubbornness said: "We are not permitted to know the way of this; it is so ordained; we must have faith." As he stood there, turned from me, with his hat off, and his neck painfully flushed under the sharp outcurve of his dark head, a feeling of pity surged up in me, as if I had taken an unfair advantage.

It really seemed that Yale was out for the game at last, for they kept up their work at the bat, although Peck replaced Coulter in the box for Harvard. Merriwell had his turn with the first batter up. One man was out, and there was a man on second. Coulter had warned Peck against giving Merriwell an outcurve.

'Hit it out, meant that he would use an outcurve, and " "Holy smoke!" gasped Hooker. "It's a wonder nobody got on. Do you suppose Lander " "Nit. That big bonehead didn't tumble. He was simply sore because I was a student at Oakdale and seemed to be rooting for Barville. All the same, he stuck to me like a leech, and I had to quit or get into a nasty fight with him.

He rose; and with a sort of deep sorrow at my stubbornness said: "We are not permitted to know the way of this; it is so ordained; we must have faith." As he stood there, turned from me, with his hat off, and his neck painfully flushed under the sharp outcurve of his dark head, a feeling of pity surged up in me, as if I had taken an unfair advantage.

He had seen Gibson light on a drop and smash it fiercely, and then he had seen him get a safe hit off a rise, while an outcurve did not fool him at all, as he would bang it if it came over the plate or let it alone when it went outside. Frank's mind was made up, and he had resolved to give Gibson everything in close to his fingers. Then, if he did hit it, he was not liable to knock it very far.

The bridge of his glasses rested on the outcurve of a nose like the beak of an osprey, the ends of the wires looped about ears that lay close to the head, hairy about the inner-curves, lobeless, the tips suggesting the ear-tips of a satyr. Mouth and jaw were hidden, but the beard could not deny the bold projection of the latter. About thirty, Rainey judged him.

Barbara caught his glance and smiled at him understandingly. "More trouble with Tim?" she asked. "N no; not exactly trouble. You see " And then he related what had happened last night, and the great hopes that had come, and how Tim had acted today. "Don," said Mr. Strong, "do you remember when you learned to pitch an outcurve?" "Yes, sir."

"Hit 'em where they ain't; that's the way. Here comes the huckleberry now," he added, as Berry, the visitors' shortstop, took the place of Roberts. "He'll hit it out." "This Berry will be picked in a moment," cried Cooper instantly. "He's ripe. Get him, Springer." Crack! Berry planted the willow against Phil's outcurve, and again the ball sailed toward the outfield, this time going toward right.

"Coulter doesn't know anything about Merriwell's batting, and so he is liable to make a break at any moment." This proved right, for Coulter tried to fool Frank with an outcurve on the next delivery. He started the ball exactly as he had the one before it, to all appearances as if he meant to send another straight one over the inside corner.