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He drove himself in races and out-stripped every one, and he would never get in front at the start, so as not to offend his adversary; he would not cut it short, but would pass him at the finish; and he was so pleasant he would soothe his adversary, praising his horse. He kept tumbler-pigeons of a first-rate kind.

Fortunately, Augustine could quench skepticism in action. She quite agreed with her mistress or rather she quite out-stripped her mistress in thinking that the little white house was pitifully bare. "Il faudra," said Augustine, "lui faire un peu de toilette."

The stranger made a dash among the ruins, and, for a moment, out-stripped his pursuers; but a few, more adventurous than the rest, succeeded in driving him into an angle formed by two walls, and the consequence was, he was compelled to come to a stand. "Seize him seize him!" exclaimed all those at a distance.

The wild race lasted long. The less skillful riders, and those with poorer mounts, were being out-stripped; the squadron was diminishing visibly. He who should remain longest on the track, ever in advance of the others, would win the crown, and the people made bets on the Celtiberian Alorcus, and on the Athenian Actæon who figured from the first instant at the head of the riders.

John triumphantly stood beside his sister Harriet, who was a year older than himself, and told her he should be very soon taller than she was; and Frederick had actually out-stripped the little Elizabeth, who told one more year than he did.

I want to know what I am to do." He walked once across the room, and when he returned to the table he said half to himself, as if his thoughts had long out-stripped his words "I am glad I advised you to leave Park Lane, for of course he will go there first." "He will easily find out I'm at Dulwich, he need not even ask he will guess it at once." "Yes, to be sure."

Power, whose propensity for fun very considerably out-stripped his sense of decorum to his commanding officer, had already made his way towards Miss Dashwood, and succeeded in obtaining a formal introduction to Miss Macan. "I hope you will do me the favor to dance next set with me, Miss Macan?" "Really, Captain, it's very polite of you, but you must excuse me.

"We are proud of having so immensely out-stripped our lower animal ancestors, and derive from it the consoling assurance that in future also, mankind, as a whole, will follow the glorious career of progressive development, and attain a still higher degree of mental perfection."

The wind was blowing behind us furiously: I could hear it roaring, but did not feel it, for it could not overtake us; we out-stripped and kept ahead of it; if for a moment we slackened speed, it fell upon us raging. We came at length to the pool near the heart of the heath, and I wondered that, at the speed we were making, we had been such a time in reaching it.

We meet also, alas! with the usual crowd of beggars, the halt, the maimed, and the pseudo-blind, who are quickly left behind; nevertheless the naughty picturesque half-naked children, loudly screaming for soldi, caper in the dust alongside our carriage, until these little pests are out-stripped, but only to give way to other imps, equally naughty and unclothed, from Majori.