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In the art of ostracising, Robert Pilgrim, the factor at God's Voice, was a past master; during the two and a half years that Granger had been in Keewatin he had had direct communication with no one of the Company's white employees.

Unfortunately for Pixie, some of her companions took a different view of Miss Phipps's decision, seeing in it a proof that the Principal at least was convinced of her guilt, and so felt themselves bound to follow her example by ostracising the offender.

It is a so-called commonwealth, wherein the welfare of the mass is subordinated to party spirit; and in which each aspirant for place and power, well knowing that his chief ambition is to "feather his own nest" without any afterthought of patriotism, kicks down his struggling brother likewise on the lookout for the loaves and fishes of office ostracising him, if he doesn't put up with the treatment quietly!

Though frequently barbed, these shafts never are tipped with malice. Replying to opinions expressed by Karl Ludwig about reported whims of New York's "Four Hundred," Claude says: "These practices result from local conditions. Those living there must conform to the unwritten social law, or risk the ostracising penalties.

For hours Pomfrette walked incessantly up and down the river-bank, muttering and gesticulating, but at last came quietly to the cottage which he shared with Henri Beauvin. Henri had removed himself and his belongings: already the ostracising had begun. He went to the bedroom of old Mme. Burgoyne, his cousin; she also was gone. He went to a little outhouse and called.

It was evident she was thinking of nothing else but the injustice and littleness of the act they had been contemplating. She felt deeply, and talked as she felt. For a moment she was an orator worthy the name. "For this ostracising, I have as little sympathy. A student does wrong, and you would cut her off immediately from all who are trying to do right.

"I suppose I shall have to clear out when her young ladyship comes in to practise," said Mrs. Bailey. Mr. Torrens revolted inwardly against ostracising the good woman on social grounds; but then, did he want her to remain if Gwen appeared? Just fancy to have that newcomer all to himself for perhaps an hour, as he had her for five minutes yesterday! Too good to be true!

Instead of ostracising me, they should have cast both myself and Themistocles into the Barathrum." "You speak with true Attic honour, and I comprehend that where, in commonwealths constituted like yours, party runs high, and the State itself is shaken, ostracism may be a necessary tribute to the very virtues that attract the zeal of a party and imperil the equality ye so prize.

The walls want mundifying, so does the ceiling, so do the floors; the Ten Commandments need improving; the Apostles' Creed isn't plain enough; the spirit of a time worn grimness requires ostracising from the place. All is substantial; but there is an ancient unwashed dulness about the general establishment, which needs transforming into cleanness and brightness.

Miss O'Day, dressed in a striking gown of imported material, sat by the side of Elizabeth. She must have heard the discussion, yet she made no show of interest, but seemed like one whose thoughts were far off. Suddenly a sprightly little girl sprang up and made herself heard: "I think we had a fairly good plan last year the plan we copy from the old Greeks the plan of ostracising.