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Then they gets up and shakes theirselves till the bus jerks them back again, and there they are, a more 'opeless 'eap than ever. If I 'ad my way I'd make every bus carry a female searcher as could over'aul 'em one at a time, and take the money from 'em. Talk about the poor pickpocket. What I say is, that a man as finds his way into a woman's pocket well, he deserves what he gets."

But he persisted in treating the adventure as a wild-goose chase. He had never heard of Holmness. It was certainly not a port; and, that being so, how unless they chartered a steamer could they be landed there? "That's for you to find out," maintained Tilda. "Well," said he, rising from the meal, "I don't mind lookin' around an' makin' a few inquiries for yer. But I warn yer both it's 'opeless."

"Not if you'd borrered it, Mr. 'Opeless. She belongs to a Mr. Mills o' Melborough Na-ow! Melchard o' Millsborough. 'E's one o' them there painful dentisters." A sound like a smothered sneeze, followed by a syncopated gurgle, coming from behind him, warned Dick to tone down the comic relief.

"The condition of things here is a disgrace mind you, I'm not criticising the actions of the officials," he hastened to add. The magistrate bowed. Kingsnorth went on: "But the attitude of the people, their views, their conduct, is deplorable opeless. I came here to see what I could do for them. I even thought of spending a certain portion of each year here.

Be a lassie ne'er sae fair, Gin she hinna penny-siller, A flea may fell her in the air Ere a man be evened till her. "I would like fine to see Miss Jean get a guid man, for she's no' a bad lassie, but I doot she'll never manage't." "Oh, Beller, you do take an 'opeless view of things. I think it's because you wear black so much. Now I must say I like a bit o' bright colour.

"Down'arted, like, an' 'opeless an' an' lonely " Downhearted, and hopeless, and lonely! The jaw of W. Keyse dropped, and his ugly eyes became circular with sheer astonishment. "Him! Keyse was playing a bit of gaff on hers truly "and him with a wife, too! Married an' 'appy, an' goin' to be 'appier yet!" He pointed to the little red snub nose peeping between the folds of the flannel.

Fortunately they had the up-platform to themselves. The train was late, and the long minutes held each more of anxiety than the last. The porter came with the tickets. "'Eere's 'opeless 'Arry," said Dick, going to meet him. "Wi't'yoong spark in thot trim," said the porter, pocketing a tip of weight to gratify without astounding, "Ah'd'a' pushed onto Lunnon wi' 'im in t'car."

Still, an army of five or six thousand men was got together somehow, and formed into camps, whence desertions were incessant, once or twice accompanied by the murder of officers. "It's 'opeless, downright 'opeless, Doctor," said Quick to me, dropping his h's, as he sometimes did in the excitement of the moment.