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And to the panting sister of the tiny autocrat, he said: "You go on, my gel! I'll bring the baby, 'oldin' on jest as she is now to my smock. She won't stir more'n a fond bird wot's stickin' its little claws into ye for shelter. I'll bring 'er along 'ome, an' she'll finish 'er dinner fine, like a real good baby! Come along, little lass! Come along!"

"Why haven't you come for this 'ot water before? 'Ere 'ave I been keepin' my fire lit while you been enjoyin' a stuffin' loaf down in that there cabin." I was too miserable to answer him. I just held out my kettle, thinking that he would fill it for me. "Wot are you 'oldin' out the kettle for?" he asked. "Think I'm goin' to do yer dirty work? Fill it at the 'ob yourself."

One of them bracket tables what you fix to the wall, without no legs. It 'ad a 'arf-round marble top to it, and underneath was a carved hoak figger, a mermaid, with 'er arms up over 'er 'ead 'oldin' up the table top something splendid! The man on the pail waxed enthusiastic as he thought of it. 'Must 'ave been worth at least five quid.

I sees it, Jarge, says I. 'An' d'ye see this un? says 'e, 'oldin' up another as like the first as one pea to its fellow. 'Ah! I sees that un too, Jarge, says I. 'Well, says Jarge, 'one's for 'im an' one's for me 'e can take 'is chice, 'e says, 'an' when we do meet, it's a-goin' to be one or t' other of us, 'e says, an' wot's more 'e looked it!

"What in 'ell did 'e mean by th' anchor 'oldin'?" the man asked. "Old man," I said, "I had been trying for a long time to lead Creedan to a religious life, and the story you tell is the only evidence that I ever had that he took me seriously." The man looked as if he were going to weep, and in a quivering voice he asked if I could help him.

He isn't safe with a pipe in his mouth or a box of matches in his pocket. Henry ought to take out a special insurance against Mr. Rawlings. 'No, it's nothin' like that, miss. As I was sayin', 'e was standin' in the droring-room. The door was wide open. I was just goin' in to dust an' then I sees that 'e's 'oldin' your photo in 'is 'ands, that big one in the silver frame.

"I I I'll 'ave a small ginger-beer," he ses at last, "a very small one." "One small ginger," ses Mr. Goodman to the bar-maid, "and one special Scotch." Sam could 'ardly believe his ears, and he stood there 'oldin' his glass o' ginger-beer and watching Peter's teetotal uncle drink whiskey, and thought 'e must be dreaming. "I dessay it seems very shocking to you," ses Mr.

She's got the queerest notions about love she picked 'em out o' they old books an' she'll 'ave to find out they's more lies than truth. Love's a poor 'oldin' for most folks it don't last long enough." Mr. Bayliss permitted himself to smile, as he took his hat, and prepared to go. "I'm sure you're quite right, Miss Priday!" he said "you speak er most sensibly!

A fever-stricken private says to Bobby Wick, "Beg y' pardon, sir, disturbin' of you now, but would you min' 'oldin' my 'and, sir?" and later, when the private becomes convalescent and Bobby in his turn is stricken down, the private suddenly stares in horror at his bed, and cries, "Oh, my Gawd! It can't be 'im!" People talk like that.

The blue lips parted and in the ghost of a whisper said, "Beg y' pardon, sir, disturbin' of you now, but would you min' 'oldin' my 'and, sir'? Bobby sat on the side of the bed, and the icy-cold hand closed on his own like a vice, forcing a lady's ring which was on the little finger deep into the flesh. Bobby set his lips and waited, the water dripping from the hem of his trousers.