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"A ockstritch for our circus in the barn." "Oh, an ostrich!" laughed Grandpa Brown. "Well, I'd rather you wouldn't take my best big rooster. I have some smaller, and tamer ones, you may take for your circus." "Really?" asked Bunny. "And can we pretend they are ostriches?" "Yes, you can put them in wooden cages and make believe they are anything you like," said Grandpa Brown.

Make a ockstritch." "How?" asked Bunny. Sue thought for a minute. Just then the old big rooster strutted past the porch. "He would make a good ockstritch, Bunny," said Sue. "He has nice long tail feathers. Can you catch him?" "Maybe," hesitated Bunny. "Oh, I know what I'll do!" he exclaimed. "I'll get the clothes line for a lasso, and I'll pretend to be a Wild West cowboy.

"And can we have the green-striped calf for a zebra?" Bunny wanted to know. "Oh, I guess so; yes. The stripes haven't worn off him yet, and they won't for some time. So you might as well play with him." "We don't want to play with him," Bunny explained. "He he jumps about too much. We just want to put him in a cage and make believe he is a wild animal." "Like a ockstritch," added Sue.

He found her on the side porch, making a doll's dress. "Sue," said Bunny, "we have to have more make-believe wild animals for our show." "Yes?" asked Sue. "What kind?" "Well, maybe we ought to have a camel." "Camels is too hard to make," said Sue. "Their humps might fall off. Why don't you make a ockstritch, Bunny? An ockstritch what lays big eggs, and has tail feathers for ladies' hats.

"No," said Sue. "But you can climb over the fence in the meadow." "I I guess I don't want to," said the little fellow. "Hello! What's going on here? Who's been chasing my old rooster?" asked Grandpa Brown, coming up just then, and looking at the two children. "We we were chasing him Grandpa," said Bunny, who always told the truth. "We was goin' to make a ockstritch of him," Sue explained.

"What's a a ockstritch?" asked Sue, for that was as near as she could say the funny word. "An ostrich," answered Grandpa Brown, "is a big bird, much bigger than the biggest Thanksgiving turkey. It has long legs, and fine feathers, and ladies wear them on their hats. I mean they wear the ostrich feathers, not the bird's legs." "And do ockstritches lay big eggs?" Sue wanted to know.