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"We hae many friens," said he, "in Edinburgh, and I am entrusted to warn them to the meeting, which is the end of my coming to the town; and maybe, Ringan Gilhaize, ye'll no objek yoursel to be there?" "I will be there, Quintin Fullarton," said I; "and in the strength of the Lord I will come armed, with a weapon of more might than the sword and more terrible than the ball that flieth unseen."

"'Deed, an' ye were acquaint," said my grandfather, "wi' how little I knew o' the country, ye would nae speir that question; but since we hae fallen in thegither, and are baith, ye ken, in my Lord Glencairn's service, I hope you'll no objek to ride back wi' me to the Lord Boyd's."

It's lightnin' a little away down there to the west'ard, and durin' one o' the flashes I sartaintly did think I see some objek a-movin' away over there in the direction where the felucca came from, but when the next flash took place there weren't a sign of anything." "Oh, indeed!" said I, "what did the object look like?"

"I'm me mother's pet, Granny, an' expense ain't any objek" a snort that may have meant mortal agony escaped him. "Niver moind, now. Sure we won't talk of yer father an' mother; they're punished pretty bad already. Hiven forbid they don't lose the rest o' ye fur their sins. It ain't meself that 'ud bear ony ill-will." A long groan cut short what looked like a young sermon.