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In that spacious Hall, a coalition of the gown, from all the bars of it, driving a damn'd, dirty, vexatious cause before them, with all their might and main, the wrong way! kicking it out of the great doors, instead of, in and with such fury in their looks, and such a degree of inveteracy in their manner of kicking it, as if the laws had been originally made for the peace and preservation of mankind: perhaps a more enormous mistake committed by them still a litigated point fairly hung up; for instance, Whether John o'Nokes his nose could stand in Tom o'Stiles his face, without a trespass, or not rashly determined by them in five-and-twenty minutes, which, with the cautious pros and cons required in so intricate a proceeding, might have taken up as many months and if carried on upon a military plan, as your honours know an Action should be, with all the stratagems practicable therein, such as feints, forced marches, surprizes ambuscades mask-batteries, and a thousand other strokes of generalship, which consist in catching at all advantages on both sides might reasonably have lasted them as many years, finding food and raiment all that term for a centumvirate of the profession.

When they mention a thing known, as we say, to Tom o'Styles and John o'Nokes, they use the words, Tizio and Sempronio. Addison has translated the lines in their praise better than I could have done. "Et Mediolani mira omnia copia rerum: Innumeræ cultæque domus facunda virorum Ingenia et mores læti."