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Danforth was the man wanted at first for the undertaking; and after Noyes's death he took charge of it, and his elder brother, Thomas, was associated with him. The plat or plan of the land, however, does not appear to have been completed until April, 1668. The survey was made during the preceding year.

Midweek, I din'ed with the Court; from thence went and visited Cousin Jonathan's wife, Lying in with her little Betty. Gave the Nurse 2s. Altho I had appointed to wait upon her, Madam Winthrop, next Monday, yet I went from my Cousin Sewall's thither about 3 P.M. The Nurse told me Madam dined abroad at her daughter Noyes's, they were to go out together. I ask'd for the Maid, who was not within.

He had thought the opportunity was come when we had secured the crossing of Noyes's Creek, and he indicated the morning of the 22d for an advance on the Powder Springs and Marietta road which we then commanded. The founderous condition of the whole region had made every movement slow, and in the same note to Thomas, Sherman had summed it up in the two words: "Roads terrific."

I would not have noticed "Noyes's treaties," if it had not been unexpectedly handed to me, when I came, while I thought I was going into the house of a man with whom I was acquainted, to his brother whom I did not know until yesterday, when I came against my expectation to him. He commenced to tell that he had a pamphlet in which Mr. Noyes speaks about me.

The waters were up in all the streams, and Noyes's was wholly unfordable. Following the Sandtown road southward, my division was stopped by the creek, and the enemy's artillery and dismounted cavalry held a good position on the other side, having removed the flooring of the bridge.

When the men left the store that night, Simon Basset's, Jake Noyes's, and Adoniram Judd's way lay in the same direction. They still discussed poor Abel Edwards's disappearance as they went along. Their voices were rising high, when suddenly Jake Noyes gave Simon Basset a sharp nudge. "Shut up," he whispered; "the Edwards boy's behind us."

He broke from his revelations to plump down on the bench beside her, to slap his palm with his fist, and sigh, "Lord, I've been gassing on! Guess I bored you!" "Oh, please, Milt, please! I see it all so It must have been wonderful, the evening when Mrs. Jones read Noyes's 'Highwayman' aloud. Tell me long before that were you terribly lonely as a little boy?"

And this sense of identification with a nation or race implies no loss, but often an amplification of the lyric impulse. Alfred Noyes's songs about the English, D'Annunzio's and Hugo's splendid chants of the Latin races, Kipling's glorification of the White Man, lose nothing of their lyric quality because of their nationalistic or racial inspiration. At this door England stands sentry.

In view of the fact that he holds a public office, Noyes's sentence consists of a mere fine of one thousand dollars. As to Geary, the lawyer, the court states that there is not sufficient evidence to convince it beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty of contempt, and the charge against him is dismissed.

Saintsbury's A History of English Literature in the Nineteenth Century. Kennedy's English Literature, 1880-1905. Walker's Greater Victorian Poets. Brownell's Victorian Prose Masters. Payne's The Greater English Poets of the Nineteenth Century. Perry's A Study of Prose Fiction. Benson's Rossetti. Noyes's William Morris. Trevelyan's Life and Letters of Macaulay. Morrison's Macaulay. Barry's Newman.