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The 'sine qua nons' are an elevator and steam heat, not above the third floor, to begin with. Then we must each have a room, and you must have your study and I must have my parlor; and the two girls must each have a room. With the kitchen and dining room, how many does that make?" "Ten." "I thought eight. Well, no matter.

The 'sine qua nons' are an elevator and steam heat, not above the third floor, to begin with. Then we must each have a room, and you must have your study and I must have my parlor; and the two girls must each have a room. With the kitchen and dining room, how many does that make?" "Ten." "I thought eight. Well, no matter.

Item in hac insula habetur nons altus, et in sui vertice satis altus et distentus et magnus aquae lacus, de quo et stulti homines fabulantur, quod primi parentes post eiectionem suam, illam aquam primo lacrymauerunt. In huius fundo lacus nascuntur margaritae, et habentur semper lapides preciosi.

I had succeeded in implicating another culprit. Not more than half the blame was now Lalage's. "The sine qua nons," the letter went on, "are marked with red crosses, the desiderata in black." "I'm glad," I said, "that she got one plural right. By the way, I wonder what the plural of that phrase really is. It can't be sines qua non, and yet sine quibus sounds pedantic."

The 'sine qua nons' are an elevator and steam heat, not above the third floor, to begin with. Then we must each have a room, and you must have your study and I must have my parlor; and the two girls must each have a room. With the kitchen and dining room, how many does that make?" "Ten." "I thought eight. Well, no matter.

I see that the sine quo nons, kallibistris, or contrapunctums of the women of this country are better cheap than stones. Of them should the walls be built, ranging them in good symmetry by the rules of architecture, and placing the largest in the first ranks, then sloping downwards ridge-wise, like the back of an ass.

A great many people are doing it. What we need more is people who will stand up for the world. When people who are standing up for the world stand and sing "Stand up for Jesus" it will begin to count. Let four hundred Nons sing it; and we will all go to church.

In order to succeed in the modern ballroom, and especially in the ballrooms of our exclusive country clubs, a young gentleman or lady of fashion must today be possessed of the following two requisites: i. A "Line." 2. A closed car. The latter of these "sine qua nons" is now owned as a matter of course by most families and is no longer regarded as a mark of distinction.

Then lastly came many young knights with long bright hauberks falling over their knees as they rode, and surcoats, half scarlet and half purple, strewn with golden stars; they bore long lances with forked pen- nons which were half purple, half scarlet, strewn with golden stars; their heads and their hands were bare, but they bore shields, each one of them, which were of bright steel wrought cunningly in the midst with that bearing of the two hands of one who prays for forgiveness; which was done in gold.