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They insert a lot of unnecessary contentiousness at the beginning, and all the really administrative part the machinery which provides them with political handles throughout the country, and which they call the non-contentious part at the end; and then on the score of it being non-contentious, and because by the time they get to it the mind of the legislature is exhausted then they shut it down with the closure.

People are getting tired of military controversies, and if they were not, I should be precluded from dealing with them by the fact that I intend to avoid as far as possible matters which concern living men, unless these are non-contentious. Horas non numero nisi serenas.

On the non-contentious record, the detail is overwhelming; on the issue everything is cloudy. Concerning the European war Mr. Hughes employed an ingenious formula: "I stand for the unflinching maintenance of all American rights on land and sea."

He swallowed the sharp words which came uppermost, and bit and moistened his lips as he forced himself to remember that this was a dying man, and Celia's brother, to whom she was devoted, and whom he himself felt he wanted to be very fond of. He got the shadow of a smile on to his countenance. "I fear you HAVE tired yourself unduly," he said, in as non-contentious a tone as he could manage.

In every country at present at war, the desire of the majority of people is for a non-contentious solution that will neither crystallise a triumph nor propitiate an enemy, but which will embody the economic and ethnological and geographical common sense of the matter.

The Irish Land and Labour Association, which was the organisation of the labourers, unanimously adopted the scheme, and commissioned their Secretary, Mr J.J. Shee, M.P., in their name, to solicit the co-operation of the Directory of the United Irish League in convening a friendly Conference of all Irish parties and sections for the purpose of securing the enactment of a Labourers' Bill on these lines as a non-contentious measure.

These Acts though non-contentious in the party sense required fourteen years' strenuous work to secure their adoption as Government measures. This was achieved during Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman's premiership, the necessary legislation being announced in the King's Speech as part of the Government programme.

"It was all over again the dog-in-the-manger policy which had already kept the evicted tenants for years out in the cold. They would neither stand on a non-contentious platform with myself nor organise a single Labourers' demonstration of their own.

I sat with him in the smoking-room, propounding what I considered to be the most indisputable and non-contentious propositions conceivable until, to my infinite amazement, he exploded and called me a "damned young puppy." It was seismic. "Tremendously interesting time," I said, "just in the beginning of making a civilisation."

Meanwhile, like the mariner who keeps a vigilant eye upon the weather, the Tupper government in Nova Scotia observed the proceedings in New Brunswick with a view to action at the proper moment. The agitation throughout the province had not affected the position of parties in the legislature which met in February. The government continued to treat federation as a non-contentious subject.