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About the time, therefore, when the vessel in which they were to arrive was expected, a snug, well furnished house, convenient to the Bodagh's, amply stored with provisions, and kept by a daughter of Nogher M'Cormick, awaited them. Nothing that could render them easy was omitted, and many things also were procured, in the shape of additional comforts, to which they had not been accustomed before.

"Bedad," said Nogher, "that fellow 'ill be the flower o' the Donovans, if God spares him be goxty, I'll engage he'll give the purty girls many a sore heart yet he'll play the dickens wid 'em, or I'm not here a wough! do you hear how the young rogue gives tongue at that? the sorra one o' the shaver but knows what I'm savin'."

He made an effort to be calm, and in a considerable degree succeeded. "Nogher," said he, "let us not forget that this Bartle this but I will not say it let us not forget that God can asily turn his plans against himself. To God, then, let us lave him.

"Why, how the devil can you call this good weather, neighbor, when it's raining for the last week, night and day?" "I do call it good weather for all that," returned Nogher, "for you ought to know that every weather's good that God sends." "Well," said the Bodagh, taken aback a little by the Nogher's piety, "there's truth in that, too, neighbor."

I want it to be kept a secret to every one but you, my mother, and Una; but my poor father would he apt to mention it in some fit of grief." "But is there nothing else on your mind, Connor?" "There's no heavy guilt on my mind, Nogher, I thank my God and my dear mother for it." "Well, I can tell you one thing before you go, Connor Bartle Flanagan's well watched.

"Well, ma'am," said Nogher, still in a loud voice, and scratching his head, "here's your health; an' now that the ice is bruk be goxty, an' so it is sure," said he in an undertone to the rest "Peggy, behave yourself," he continued, to one of the servant-maids, "mockin's catchin': faix, you dunna what's afore yourself yet beg pardon I'm forgettin' myself an' now that the ice is bruk, ma'am," he resumed, "you must be dacent for the futher.

I love her now, an' ever will, as well as I did yourself. I'll never see her, Connor, widout thinkin' heavily of him that her heart was set upon, an' that will then be far away from her an' from all that ever loved him." "Nogher," replied Connor, "I'm not without hope that but this this is folly. You know I have a right to be thankful to God and the goodness of government for sparin' my life.

Many a bottle, plase goodness, we'll have this way yet. Your health, ma'am, an' a speedy recovery to you an' a sudden uprise not forgettin' the masther long life to him!" "What!" said the midwife, "are you forgettin' the sthranger?" Nogher looked her full in the face, and opened his mouth, without saying a word, literally pitched the glass of spirits to the very bottom of his throat.

The whole story was fabricated by Nogher for the purpose of getting Connor's consent to the vengeance which it had been determined to execute upon his enemy. By a curious coincidence, however,the story, though decidedly false so far as Nogher knew to the contrary, happened to be literally and absolutely true.

It was at this period that his old friend Nogher M'Cormick came to pay him a visit; it being the last time, as he said, that he would ever have an opportunity of seeing his face.