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You'll let me see to that for you, Lady Bridget, and, as she bowed her head, he addressed Harris again. 'Mr Ninnis and most of the others are camping out to-night on the run, and I seem to be the only responsible man in the place of course you know that Mr McKeith asked me to stop and help look after things for Lady Bridget if necessary. Then he complimented Harris genially upon his zeal.

He came close, and took a little bag she was holding out of her hands, carried it to the back veranda, and told one of the Chinamen to give it to Mr Ninnis all, it seemed to her, to evade farewells. She called him back in a hard voice. 'Colin I've left my keys, pointing to a sealed and addressed envelope on her own writing-table.

Then, after a long while, with lucid breaks in the dreamy stupor, she heard the roar of Ninnis' incoming mob of wild cattle from the range. She could even wonder whether he had been able to muster that herd of five hundred or so for the sale-yards.

'I suppose he thought you'd be too busy doing things with Mr Maule to bother over the station affairs, and that Mr Ninnis might be out on the run and so he wrote to tell me what he wanted done as he often used to before. Lady Bridget closed her eyes, and leaned back against the pillows trying hard to control the muscles of her face, and not to betray her mortification.

Ninnis will be in with us all right, and it would be a fine thing if you came up together. He's a first-rate man, and has had a lot of experience in the Californian goldfields. Poor luck, however, or he wouldn't have come over to free-select on the Leura. It took me a good three weeks to get as far as the Pelican Creek, and I couldn't have done it in the time if there had been Blacks about.

This afternoon we took a cast of the lead through the crack 200 yds. west of the ship, but found no bottom at 700 fathoms." An interesting incident on November 26 was the discovery of an emperor penguin rookery. Ninnis and Kavenagh took a long walk to the north- west, and found the deserted rookery.

'No, I wish I had been My God, I wish I had been. 'What would you have done, Colin? 'I'd have been there myself, he said simply. 'It would have been me, not Ninnis, that you saw at Kangaroo Flat Station. She held out her arms. The roll of bark dropped on the boards of the veranda. In a moment he was pressing her fiercely to his breast, and his lips were on hers.

'To-morrow oh yes, to-morrow just whenever suits you. 'I couldn't take you down myself. There are things serious matters I've got to see to on the station. And besides, you'll allow it's best for me not to go with you. Ninnis could drive you to Crocodile Creek, and put you into the train; and Halliwell will look after you at Leuraville, and see you on board the steamer.

'Well, I reckon it's best not to keep them on the head-station against the Boss's orders, persisted Ninnis. Lady Bridget set her little white teeth. 'Naturally, Mr McKeith's orders don't apply to ME as I had to tell Mrs Hensor. 'Mrs Hensor knows the Boss better than most people, said Ninnis, at which Lady Bridget flashed out. 'We need not discuss that question, Mr Ninnis.

'Ah well it doesn't matter As you said nothing matters now.... Well, I'll go and see Ninnis, and settle about to-morrow.... Then there's money.... he stopped at the edge of the steps leading down to the Old Humpey, looking back at her 'what you'll need for the passage and afterwards I know what you'll be thinking; but I can arrange for it with the Bank manager at Leuraville.