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Prince Aribert became suave, even deferential to Nella, and more friendly towards Nella's father than their respective positions demanded. The latter amused himself by studying this sprig of royalty, the first with whom he had ever come into contact.

"Have you looked in your own room?" inquired Marietta indifferently, and turning her head on her pillow, as if she were tired of meeting Nella's eyes, as indeed she was. "My own room indeed!" cried the maid indignantly. "As if I did not know what is in my own room! As if your new silk mantle could hide itself amongst my four rags!"

At that moment there was a quick, curt rap on the french window, and both Racksole and the Prince glanced round startled. A girl's face was pressed against the large window-pane. It was Nella's. Racksole unfastened the catch, and she entered. 'I have found you, she said lightly; 'you might have told me. I couldn't sleep.

It crossed the town nearly from end to end, and plunged into a maze of small streets far on the south side of the Kursaal. Then gradually Nella's equipage began to overtake it. The first carriage stopped with a jerk before a tall dark house, and Miss Spencer emerged.

It was perhaps dangerous to tell a series of mere lies to a clever fellow like Rocco, and Racksole wondered how he should ultimately explain them to this great master-chef if his and Nella's suspicions should be unfounded, and nothing came of them.

Come, Nella," she added, taking her serving-woman by the arm. Before Giovanni realised what she was going to do, she was walking quickly across the wooden bridge towards the glass-house, holding Nella's sleeve, to keep her from lagging, and Nella trotted beside her mistress like a frightened lamb, led by a string.

It didn't kill him straight off he's got over the first shock, but he's in a very weak state, and he means to die. And I truly believe he will die. Now, if you could let him have that million, Dad, you would save his life. Nella's item of news was a considerable and disconcerting surprise to Racksole, but he hid his feelings fairly well. 'I haven't the least desire to save his life, Nell.

Certain of nothing but the possession of Nella's revolver, the Prince scarcely knew whether to carry the argument further, and with stronger measures, or to accept the situation with as much dignity as the circumstances would permit. 'Let us take the dinghy, said Nella; 'we can row ashore in an hour. He felt that she was right.

'I will wager another hundred thousand dollars that someone in Bosnia I don't accuse the King himself is at the bottom of this business. The methods of Balkan politicians have always been half-Oriental. Let us go. 'Where? 'To this precious house of Nella's adventure. 'But surely it is too early? 'So it is, said Racksole, 'and we shall want a few things, too. For instance, a dark lantern.

Nella's little brown eyes were moist as she recalled her husband's small vanities; his dislike of tallow as a cosmetic seemed to affect her particularly. "That is why I say that it will be a lesson to the pride of those Venetians to see your marriage," she resumed, after drying her eyes with the back of her hand.