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For us sinful men, if we are to be delivered from evil and become sons of God, He must suffer many things, and be killed, and rise again the third day. III. Now note further, how we have here also our Lord's willing acceptance of the necessity. It is one thing to recognise, and another thing to accept, a needs-be.

The LORD JESUS, in the words we are considering, teaches us that if any man, no matter who he may be, will be His disciple, he must not he may deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow his LORD. Is there not a needs-be for this exhortation?

There was indeed a `needs-be' in my dear aunt's former harshness and irritability to me; but for that, and for her disparaging remarks on my conduct, I might have been more self-seeking than I am. But the discipline has been changed now, and I trust that the chastisement has not been wholly in vain.

There is the unwelcome necessity which grips us with iron and sharpened fangs; the needs-be which crushes down hopes and dreams and inclinations, and forces the slave to his reluctant task.

The metal is said to hinder the lodging and help the thawing of the snow, which might otherwise lie so heavy as to endanger the roof. 'Oh, that is the reason! ejaculated Robert, suddenly enlightened as to the needs-be of all the surface glitter. 'Rather a pretty effect, eh? and absolutely unique, except in Canadian cities.