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In this oath, the parliaments of both kingdoms go before us, who, having the legislative power in their hands, have also potestatem vitæ et necis, over laws, as well as over persons, and may as well put to death the evil laws that do offend against the kingdom and the welfare of it, as the evil persons that do offend against the laws. 3.

The Nganga or medicine man who, on such occasions, here as elsewhere, has the jus vitae et necis, was called in; he charged one of the sons with parricide by witchcraft, and the youth was at once pierced by the bayonets of his brothers. "Golden Frank" was peculiar in his ways.

This is precisely the division of functions made by Ovid, as the father sees Hercules perishing on the funeral pyre. "Nec nisi materna Vulcanum parte potentem Sentiet. Aeternum est a me quod traxit et expers Atque immune necis, nullaqe domabile flamma." He is not enough acquainted with natural history to make valuable observations.

Hawkins could act no further on his own responsibility. He consulted Cecil. Cecil consulted the Queen, and it was agreed that the practice, as it was called, should be carried further. It might lead to the discovery of the whole secret. Very treacherous, think some good people. Well, there are times when one admires even treachery nec lex est justior ulla Quam necis artifices arte perire sua.