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"Remember if you allow yourself to fall down I'll drag you the rest of the way in," warned Tad Butler. "I won't hurt you if you behave yourself." "Le le let me go. I I I I aint't done n-n-nothing." "We'll decide that when I get you back to camp," answered Tad. "And don't let me hear you raising your voice again or I'll put spurs to the pony. Do you understand?" "Y-y-y-e-s."

N-n-nine o'clock's n-n-nothing," assented Monty, who had never been out so late before in all his life. "Isn't it?" asked Aunt Eunice, smiling. "Well, all the same, though it is rude to dispatch a guest, I'm sure it is full time for you to be with your grandmother, as Susanna justly remarked.

"If you want to cry, don't mind me," went on the kindly cynic. "I'm coming in with you. I'll light up while you weep, and then you must tell me all about it. That will do you a world of good." "There's n-n-nothing to tell!" bleated Helen. "Oh yes, there is. You silly child, to-morrow you will have to choose between those two men. Which shall it be?

"N-n-nothing," wept Pollyanna. "It's only that it's so perfectly, perfectly beautiful that I just had to cry. I was thinking how Jamie would love to see it." It was then that Mrs. Carew's patience snapped. "'Jamie, Jamie, Jamie'!" she exclaimed. "Pollyanna, CAN'T you stop talking about that boy? You know perfectly well that it is not my fault that he is not here. I asked him to come here to live.

As he braced himself to go and look, Beverley herself came into the room. It seemed that she shrank at sight of him. "I thought you'd been kidnapped or killed!" he gasped. "What's happened?" "N-n-nothing," she stammered. "It was only we forgot about Clo I had to take her that money. I " She broke off, seeing the pearl in Roger's hand. "Oh, wasn't it dreadful that the rope snapped?" she hurried on.

He was penny-wise and pound-foolish, so he cut out the wireless to save a miserable hundred and forty dollars a month. Bids are invited for the privilege of killing the damned old fool Skinner! What are you looking at?" "N-n-nothing!" stammered Mr. Skinner. "I won't be looked at that way, Skinner. I have my faults, I know " "Ssshh!" Matt Peasley interrupted. "And I won't be 'sshh-ed' at either.