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North's rooms on Friday morning?" The witness looked puzzled. "Hadn't Mr. North burnt a good many papers in his grate?" "Oh, yes, but then he was going away." "That will do, you are excused," interposed Moxlow quickly. The sheriff was next sworn. Without interruption from Moxlow he told his story.

He turned and motioned one of the policemen to place a chair for the prosecuting attorney beside his own at the desk. "As you know, Mr. Moxlow," the coroner began, "these gentlemen, Mr. Shrimplin, Colonel Harbison and Mr. Gilmore, were the first to view the murdered man. Later I was summoned, and with the sheriff spent the greater part of the night in making an examination of the building.

"And when I think of it, I am more than willing to help you in your search for the guilty man." "You knew of the murder before you left town?" remarked Moxlow casually. "Yes." "But you weren't on the Square or in the store Thanksgiving night?" said Moxlow. "No, I dined with General Herbert." The prosecuting attorney elevated his eyebrows.

There was just one thing North feared, and that the bringing of Evelyn Langham's name into the case. How this could happen he did not see, but the law dug its own channels and sometimes they went far enough afield. While this was passing through his mind, Nelson was sworn and Moxlow began his examination. Mr.

Are the good people of Mount Hope worrying Moxlow? Is their sleepless activity going to interfere with my sleepless profession, eh? Can you answer me that?" "Moxlow has cut the office of late," said Langham briefly. "He's happened on a good thing in the prosecuting attorney's office, I suppose?

Moxlow next interrogated Atkinson, Langham's client, who explained the nature of his business relations with McBride which had terminated in the payment of three thousand dollars to him on Thanksgiving afternoon, the twenty-seventh of November. "You are excused, Mr. Atkinson," said Moxlow.

He sauntered out into the street; he was disposed to consider Mr. Moxlow as something of a fool, as a rank amateur in the present crisis. He turned into the Square and halted for an instant before the dingy store that had been the scene of the recent tragedy.

He was asked by Moxlow to examine a Mount Hope Gas Company bond, and then the prosecuting attorney placed in his hands a triangular piece of paper which he selected from among the other fragments on the table. "Mr. Harden, will you kindly tell the jury of what, in your opinion, that bit of paper in your hand was once a part?" said Moxlow.

If you don't think you can stand it, go out into the hail while I thresh this matter out with Taylor!" But Evelyn did not leave her place at his bedside. "You must not excite yourself!" said Taylor. "Humph if you won't tell me what I wish to know, I'll tell you my opinion; it is that I am not going to recover. I must see Moxlow. Who is down-stairs?" "Colonel Harbison and his nephew."

"Shrimplin was the only person you met as you crossed the Square?" "As far as I can remember now, I saw no one but Shrimp." "And just where did you meet him, North?" asked Moxlow. "On the corner, near McBride's store." "Do you know whether he had just driven into the Square or not?" "No, I, don't know that; it was snowing hard and I came upon him suddenly."