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'Ah, Prince Ivan! why, we never expected to see you again. Well, it wasn't for nothing that you gave yourself so much trouble. Such a beauty as Marya Morevna one might search for all the world over and never find one like her! And so they visited, and they feasted; and afterwards they went off to their own realm. Ralston.

Koshchei the Deathless was returning home when his horse stumbled beneath him. 'What art thou stumbling for, sorry jade? Dost thou scent any ill? 'Prince Ivan has come and carried off Marya Morevna. 'Can we catch them? 'God knows! Prince Ivan has a horse now which is better than I. 'Well, I can't stand it, says Koshchei the Deathless. 'I will pursue.

Afterwards the Prince heaped up a pile of wood, set fire to it, burnt Koshchei the Deathless on the pyre, and scattered his ashes to the wind. Then Marya Morevna mounted Koshchei's horse and Prince Ivan got on his own, and they rode away to visit first the Raven, and then the Eagle, and then the Falcon. Wherever they went they met with a joyful greeting.

And a second time I will forgive you; but the third time beware! I will cut you to bits. Then he took Marya Morevna from him, and carried her off. But Prince Ivan sat down on a stone and burst into tears. He wept and wept and then returned back again to Marya Morevna. Now Koshchei the Deathless happened not to be at home. 'Let us fly, Marya Morevna! 'Ah, Prince Ivan! he will catch us.

Who has slain this mighty host? There replied unto him a living man: 'All this mighty host has been slain by the fair Princess Marya Morevna. Prince Ivan rode further on, and came to a white tent, and forth came to meet him the fair Princess Marya Morevna. 'Hail, Prince! says she; 'whither does God send you? and is it of your free will or against your will?

Prince Ivan replied, 'Not against their will do brave youths ride! 'Well, if your business be not pressing, tarry awhile in my tent. Thereat was Prince Ivan glad. He spent two nights in the tent, and he found favour in the eyes of Marya Morevna, and she married him. The fair Princess, Marya Morevna, carried him off into her own realm.

The Princess Olga immediately ran to meet him, and began kissing him and embracing him, asking after his health, and telling him all about herself. With them Prince Ivan stopped three days; then he said: 'I cannot stay here any longer. I am going to look for my wife, the fair Princess Marya Morevna. 'Hard will it be for you to find her, replied the Eagle. 'Leave with us a silver fork.

'Thanks, Prince Ivan! cried Koshchei the Deathless, 'now you will sooner see your own ears than Marya Morevna! and out of the window he flew in the shape of a terrible whirlwind. And he came up with the fair Princess Marya Morevna as she was going her way, laid hold of her and carried her off home with him.

The moment Marya Morevna had gone he rushed to the closet, pulled open the door, and looked in there hung Koshchei the Deathless, fettered by twelve chains. Then Koshchei entreated Prince Ivan, saying: 'Have pity upon me and give me to drink! Ten years long have I been here in torment, neither eating nor drinking; my throat is utterly dried up.

But Marya Morevna he carried off home. At that very time the silver articles turned black which Prince Ivan had left with his brothers-in-law. 'Ah! said they, 'the evil is accomplished sure enough! Then the Eagle hurried to the blue sea, caught hold of the barrel, and dragged it ashore; the Falcon flew away for the Water of Life, and the Raven for the Water of Death.