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He told me that he made some £700 a year by the turf. "I've a cousin, you see, who is a great sporting man, and thus I'm 'in with a stable, and get put up to tips," he said. "But for this the turf would be a very poor thing to dabble in." And this led to a talk about officers' lives and their money-affairs. "Oh," he said, "you've no notion of the number who go to utter grief.

What Biel wants to know is: "Why didn't I press home the charge against the Bronckhorst-brute, and have him run in?" What Mrs. Strickland wants to know is: "How DID my husband bring such a lovely, lovely Waler from your Station? I know ALL his money-affairs; and I'm CERTAIN he didn't BUY it." What I want to know is: "How do women like Mrs. Bronckhorst come to marry men like Bronckhorst?"

"Such a sum is out of the question. You must persuade the woman to wait." "That is why I was going up to town to-day. But my debt far exceeds that sum." "By how much?" The rector rarely demanded any details of his wife's money-affairs, or troubled how she spent her private income. But the time for ceremony was past. There was a haggard perplexity in his look, and an expression of fear in his eyes.

"Oh, no think of Netty." "Ah, Netty is in trouble, dearest. She's had bad news to-day. Harry Bent talks of canceling his engagement. The scandal has reached the ears of his family, and his money-affairs are dependent on his mother, whom he can't offend. You see, darling, the sins of the fathers have begun to descend on the children Dick and Netty both stricken. We must confess! confess!"

I was proud, too, of taking him away from other girls, who were always running after him. And my sister-in-law was just mad to get rid of me! Don't you understand?" "Of course I do!" Her eyelids wavered a little under the emotion of his tone. "Well, then, we got married. My brother tried to get out of him what his money-affairs were. But he always evaded everything.

"But, when you were married, what was your husband thinking of not to see your mother's will, and get proper settlements?" "My husband has no head for money-affairs. It was a love match. We eloped, and father never forgave us." Mr. Jevons gave vent to his anger in little, jerky exclamations of amazement. "Mrs.