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Heavens! what a region this is," said the count, in a loud voice; "one can't take a step without having the community, sub-prefect and all, on one's back." "You will have to answer to the commissary of police, monsieur," said Antonin, in an equally loud tone. And for the next twenty minutes Madame Mollot talked of the altercation that took place between the sub-prefect and the stranger.

Above the dressing-gown, where the head ought to have been, I saw an enormous mass, something like a knee I can't tell you how my curiosity was excited." "I can conceive it," said Antonin. "No, you can not conceive it," said Madame Mollot; "for this knee " "Ah! I understand," cried Olivier Vinet, laughing; "the Unknown was also making his toilet, and you saw his two knees."

The remarkable property of this dye, used by Persians for their beards only, is that it does not render the features hard; it can be shaded by indigo to harmonize well with the individual character of the skin. It was this operation that Madame Mollot may have seen, though people in Arcis, by way of a jest, still ask themselves what it was that Madame Mollot saw.

"But who knows whether he is a bachelor?" "Oh! I shall know that to-morrow from grandpapa," cried Cecile, with pretended enthusiasm. "What a jest!" said Madame Mollot. "You can't really mean, my little Cecile, that you are thinking of that stranger?" "But the husband is always the stranger," interposed Olivier Vinet, making a sign to Mademoiselle Beauvisage which she fully understood.

"Well?" cried the circle around Mademoiselle Beauvisage as soon as he reappeared. "He is a count, and vieille roche, I answer for it." "Oh! how I should like to see him!" cried Cecile. "Mademoiselle," said Antonin, smiling and looking maliciously at Madame Mollot, "he is tall and well-made and does not wear a wig.

And he left the room to give Julien orders to go with Anicette in the chariot and coax her away from the princess at any price. At this moment Simon Giguet, who had got through his bowing and scraping to all the influential men of Arcis, and who regarded himself as sure of his election, joined the circle around Cecile and Mademoiselle Mollot. The evening was far advanced. Ten o'clock had struck.

"Imagine my surprise," continued Madame Mollot, "when I saw a stuff, a material, of splendid magnificence, most beautiful! dazzling! I said to myself, 'That must be a dressing-gown of the spun-glass material I have sometimes seen in exhibitions of industrial products. So I fetched my opera-glass to examine it. But, good gracious! what do you think I saw?

"Ah, fie! monsieur," said Madame Mollot, "you use words that are really " "'Poculate' is a word of the highest latinity, madame," replied Vinet, gravely. "So, as I said, he will poculate with Louis Philippe in the morning, and banquet at the Holy-Rood with Charles the Tenth at night. There is but one reason that allows a decent man to go to both camps from Montague to Capulet! Ha, ha!

"Francs attract the Franks," remarked Olivier Vinet, without a smile. "You are not an olive-branch of peace," said Madame Mollot, laughing. "But is it not demoralizing to see such names as Verneuil, Maufrigneuse, and Herouville side by side with those of du Tillet and Nucingen in the Bourse speculations?" "Our great Unknown is undoubtedly an embryo railway," said Olivier Vinet.

I sleep so sound nothing can wake me; but if Mollot drops off first my night is ruined " "Don't you ever go off together?" said Achille Pigoult, joining the group. "I see you are talking of sleep." "Hush, naughty boy!" replied Madame Mollot, graciously. "Do you know what they mean?" whispered Cecile to Ernestine. "At any rate, he was not in at one o'clock in the morning," continued Madame Mollot.