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"T-t-t-t-ta-ta-tay-tay-tay-tay " began Mohler, in great excitement, but as he could not finish what he wanted to say no one caught his meaning. Daddy's watchful eye had never left that wonderful, infernal little yarn ball. Daddy was crushed under defeat, but his baseball brains still continued to work.

"Wot you think of that!" exclaimed Tom, feeling the lump on his head. "T-t-t-t-t-t-t-ta-tr " began Tay Tay Mohler. "Say it! Say it!" interrupted Daddy. "Ta-ta-ta-tr-trimmed them wa-wa-wa-wa-with their own b-b-b-b-b-ba-ba-ball," finished Tay. He bought a ticket at the 25-cent window, and edging his huge bulk through the turnstile, laboriously followed the noisy crowd toward the bleachers.

Tay Tay Mohler could stop the ball, but that was no great credit to him, for his hands took no part in the achievement. Tay Tay was fat and the ball seemed to like him. It boomed into his stomach and banged against his stout legs. When Tay saw it coming he dropped on his knees and valorously sacrificed his anatomy to the cause of the game.

And he watched that strange little yarn ball, with its wonderful skips and darts and curves. The longer the game progressed and the wearier Harris grew, the harder the Madden's Hill boys batted the ball and the crazier it bounced at Bo and his sick players. Finally, Tay Tay Mohler hit a teasing grounder down to Bo. Then it was as if the ball, realizing a climax, made ready for a final spurt.

Sam Wickhart thought he was the fastest fielder, and Willie had him slated to catch. Tom Lindsay's feelings were hurt because he was not to play in the infield. Eddie Curtis suffered a fall in pride when he discovered he was not down to play second base. Jake Thomas, Tay-Tay Mohler and Brick Grace all wanted to pitch.

It was a trial for any Madden's Hill boy just to watch them. "Wot a swelled bunch!" exclaimed Tom Lindsay. "Fellers, if Slugger Blandy tries to pull any stunt on me today he'll get a swelleder nut," growled Lane Griffith. "T-t-t-t-t-te-te-tell him t-t-t-to keep out of m-m-m-my way an' not b-b-b-b-bl-block me," stuttered Tay-Tay Mohler. "We're a-goin' to skin 'em," said Eddie Curtis.

Then Lane struck out and Mohler hit to shortstop, retiring the side. Natchez scored a run on a hit, a base on balls, and another error by Grace. Every time a ball went toward Grace at short Daddy groaned. In their half of the inning Madden's Hill made two runs, increasing the score 3 to 2. The Madden's Hill boys began to show the strain of such a close contest.