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"Enough is as good as a feast," observed Burridge; "and I'll tell you what, sir, with due respect to you, we would rather serve Queen Anne than King Mobb Sogg, or any other king in or out of Christendom; and though you gentlemen buccaneers are very fine fellows, we have no fancy just at present of becoming one of your number."

One word the Dean seemed especially to hate mob, which, indeed, was richer by one letter in his day, for he sometimes wrote it mobb. Mob is, of course, quite good English now to describe a disorderly crowd of people, and we should think it very curious if any one used the full expression for which it stands. Mob is short for the Latin phrase mobile vulgus, which means "excitable crowd."

He turn'd to me, and, "Dear child," said he, "I rose to day without consulting my fortune; tho' 'tis confest I seldom appear even on the stage, but such a mobb as this are laughing at me: But that I may not be at difference with you too, I'll tye my self up from this humour of poetry:" "Well, well," said I, "on that condition I sup with you;" upon which, going into the poor cottage I lodg'd at, we order'd the master of it to get us a supper, and in the mean time we went to the bagnio, where I saw Gito standing against the wall, with towels and rubbing brushes in his hand; his troubl'd countenance easily perswaded me he serv'd on compulsion: As soon as he saw me, with joy addressing himself, he told me, that since I was not in that martial posture that once frighted him to belye his affections, he cou'd freely speak to me, upon which he entreated me to pity his circumstances; and, if I cou'd but deliver him from so barbarous a master, since he was now sorry he was forc'd to be my judge, I might take my satisfaction in any punishment I'de please to inflict; "for," added he, "if I must dye, 'twill be comfort enough to so unhappy a wretch to think that you are pleas'd in 't."

While the Gauls, ripe our Rome to re-invade, I force to skulk behind their Alps afraid: By conquering my banishment's secur'd. Are sixty triumphs not to be endur'd? A German conquest reckon'd such a fault? By whom is glory such a monster thought? Or who the vile supporters of this war? A foreign spawn, a mobb in arms appear, At once Rome's scandal, and at once her care.

In a Moment, I saw him preaching to a Mobb against the Luxury of the Age, and telling them it shew'd a Meanness of Spirit to want Necessaries, while the Gentry, by force of long Usurpations on their Rights, rioted in all manner of Excess.