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"Somebody else might make the same discovery that we have made to-day, and outbid us. And we do not want to be cheated out of our good fortune in having been the first to secure so valuable a prize." "You need have no fear on that score, madam," retorted Halfdan, with a vivid blush, and purposely misinterpreting the polite subterfuge. "You may rely upon my promise.

"The big problem is to reach them as soon as possible after conception," said Goat, misinterpreting her question. "We do this by magnetic detectors, which report instantly the conjunction of the positive and negative. The surgery is performed, as quickly as possible, utilizing the suspended animation technique which is being developed toward interstellar travel."

"Do you know," she said, suddenly looking up, "you make me very proud," and she stretched out her hand to him. He took it, and, bending, touched it with his lips. There was no possibility of misinterpreting the action, and though she coloured a little for, till then, no man had even kissed the tip of her finger she did not misinterpret it. It was an act of homage, and that was all.

Perhaps I ought to have held my peace, but when he said things that were not not correct about Alister, misinterpreting him altogether, I felt it cowardly and false to hold my tongue. So I said I did not believe that was what Alister meant. It is but a quarter of an hour ago, and it looks a fortnight! I don't think I quite know what I am saying!" She ceased, laid her head on Mrs.

"Very appropriate and gratifying, Mr. Roscoe. I can assure you he will be happy here." "I dare say," returned Mr. Roscoe, carelessly. "I wish to guard you against misinterpreting my wishes. I don't want the boy pampered, or too much indulged." "We never pamper our boarding pupils," said Socrates, and it is quite certain that he spoke the truth. "It spoils boys to be too well treated."

Colonel Hofferman, misinterpreting the detective's attitude, turned triumphantly to the Under-Secretary: "Not only that," he continued, "I think there has been far too much talk made about the death of Captain Brocq. This officer was the victim of an accident. We cannot discuss it. That is all there is to be said. It really does not matter much.

Pink ran a quick, appraising eye over the bunch estimating correctly the number, and noting their splendid condition. "Never saw so many cattle in one bunch before, did yuh?" queried Cal, misinterpreting the glance. Pink shook his head vaguely. "Does one man own all those cows?" he wanted to know, with just the proper amount of incredulous wonder. "Yeah and then some.

But the Contessa Zoya showed neither sympathy nor credulity, and there was no misinterpreting her meaning as she said: "It is true, Princess, you know the Potensi well, and I only slightly but if my husband offered a diamond ornament " "He would never give her another! Is that it?" put in Tornik. "No nor any one!"

Again he laughed. "What a simple maiden you must be to ask such a question!" he said. "Sorry? Good God, I should think so! Sorry is no word for it. If Fate thought it necessary to thrust a sister on me I wish it had rather been some yellow-skinned, sour old spinster, but not you." "Do you hate me then?" she exclaimed, misinterpreting his meaning in her agitation.

He spoiled the whole scheme by misinterpreting its motive, and after about the ninth tea-party, became buoyed with insane and presumptuous hopes, and proposed to Joanna. She was overwhelmed, and did not scruple to overwhelm him, with anger and consternation.