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No end of strange things now. Go 'long and shut it, Sid." Tom disappeared under the bed just in time. He lay and "breathed" himself for a time, and then crept to where he could almost touch his aunt's foot. "But as I was saying," said Aunt Polly, "he warn't BAD, so to say only mischEEvous. Only just giddy, and harum-scarum, you know. He warn't any more responsible than a colt.

Reuben Granger was crazy about her from the time she was knee-high; but when he went away to Bangor to study for the ministry, the others had it all their own way. She was only seventeen; she hadn't ever experienced religion, and she was mischeevous as a kitten. "You remember you laughed, this morning, when Mr. Bascom told about Hogshead Jowett?

This worthy Irishwoman took an enormous fancy to Will, clapping him on the back, cheering him on with his wooing, and assuring him that that "purty darling blossom of a wife of his" should be her first care, day and night, all the time the waves were washing under him; "and not a hair of her head should be hurt," said Mother Bunch "and them mischeevous little varmints of hers shall come to no harm, naythur, oh, will ye then, ye rogues!

Monkey Brand, wise and patient, humoured him. "Let him take his time," called Boy. "Steady, lad, steady!" Old Mat watched grimly. "I thought as much," he muttered. "He ain't 'alf a little rogue. 'Tain't temper, eether. He's the temper of a h'angel and the constitootion of a h'ox. It's that he just won't. For all the world like a great spoilt boy. He's mischeevous.

"This 'coon hunt's over. This little chap's coming home to live with me!" The farmer stared, and then laughed good-naturedly. "Jest as you say," said he. "Recken ye've 'arned the right to have a say in the matter. But ye'll find 'coons is mighty mischeevous 'round a house. Fetch the karkisses, Jake.

No end of strange things now. Go 'long and shut it, Sid." Tom disappeared under the bed just in time. He lay and "breathed" himself for a time, and then crept to where he could almost touch his aunt's foot. "But as I was saying," said Aunt Polly, "he warn't BAD, so to say only mischEEvous. Only just giddy, and harum-scarum, you know. He warn't any more responsible than a colt.

Reuben was dozing peacefully in the chimney-corner; Aunt Hannah had just finished putting a patch on a pair of Reuben's trousers, was folding up her work and preparing to rouse her slumbering companion, when a sound overhead caught her ear. 'What's that chilt at now? she exclaimed angrily, getting up and listening. 'She'd owt ta been in bed long ago. Soomthin mischeevous, I'll be bound.

"Boys is boys all the world over," said Grannie; "be they rich or poor, high or low, they are just the same mischeevous, restless young wagabones. Now then, Harry, for goodness gracious, don't spill your tea on the cloth. My word! wot a worry you all are." "You know you don't think so, Grannie," said the audacious boy.

Mischeevous strangers! said Stephen, with an anxious smile; 'when ha we not heern, I am sure, sin ever we can call to mind, o' th' mischeevous strangers! 'Tis not by them the trouble's made, sir. 'Tis not wi' them 't commences. I ha no favour for 'em I ha no reason to favour 'em but 'tis hopeless and useless to dream o' takin them fro their trade, 'stead o' takin their trade fro them!

"Ez for that soft-headed Bud Mines, he have fair fattened on that snipe-hunt. He's gittin' ez sassy an' mischeevous ez Jack Carter hisse'f." This last statement was literally true. The victim of Tobe Cullum's disastrous practical joke had become on a sudden case-hardened, as it were. The consumptive pallor had miraculously disappeared from his cheeks and the homesick look from his eyes.