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In the right-hand margin we find "Cap. Jo: R." Underneath is written Migh. who took the part of 1 Huntsman. "And bycause some Hares by haunting the lowe watrie places do become foule and mesled, such Hares doe never follow the hard ways nor make such pathes to their formes, but use all their subtleties and pollecies by the sides of the Ryvers, brookes and other waters." "R.T." took the part.

Warner, of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, to whom we owe the excellent Catalogue of the Dulwich Collection, kindly drew my attention to the autograph letter. In the right-hand margin we find "Jo: R: migh." the names of the actors who took the Captains' parts. Further on the name "Jo: Rice" occurs in full. John Rice stands last on the list of Chief Actors in the first fol.

We resumed our march this morning at sunrise the weather was fair and wind from N. W. finding that the river still boar to the south I determined to pass it if possible to shorten our rout this we effected about five miles above our camp of last evening by wading it. found the current very rappid about 90 yards wide and waist deep this is the first time that I ever dared to make the attempt to wade the river, tho there are many places between this and the three forks where I presume it migh be attempted with equal success. the valley though which our rout of this day lay and through which the river winds it's meandering course is a beatifull level plain with but little timber and that on the verge of the river. the land is tolerably fertile, consisting of a black or dark yellow loam, and covered with grass from 9 Inches to 2 feet high. the plain ascends gradually on either side of the river to the bases of two ranges of mountains which ly parrallel to the river and which terminate the width of the vally. the tops of these mountains were yet partially covered with snow while we in the valley. were suffocated nearly with the intense heat of the midday sun. the nights are so could that two blankets are not more than sufficient covering. we found a great courants, two kinds of which were red, others yellow deep purple and black, also black goosburies and service buries now ripe and in full perfection, we feasted suptuously on our wild fruit particularly the yellow courant and the deep purple servicebury which I found to be excellent the courrant grows very much like the red currant common to the gardens in the atlantic states tho the leaf is somewhat different and the growth taller. the service burry grows on a smaller bush and differs from ours only in colour and the superior excellence of it's flavor and size, it is of a deep purple. this day we saw an abundance of deer and goats or antelopes and a great number of the tracks of Elk; of the former we killed two. we continued our rout along this valley which is from six to eight Miles wide untill sun set when we encamped for the night on the river bank having traveled about 24 miles.

Shakespeare. The reader will find an account of him in Collier's "Hist. of Eng. Dram. Lit.," iii. 486-88. It is curious that he should have taken so unimportant a part; but perhaps he sustained one of the chief characters besides. "Migh" = Michael. It seems to have been no uncommon thing for officers to keep the names of soldiers on the list after their death and pocket their pay: cf.

"Jo: Ri:" is written above, and "migh" in the right-hand margin. "Mr. Rob." took the Captain's part. This Captain is identical with the one in the previous scene: "Jo: Rice:" took the part. In the MS. Vandermitten is scored through, and Grotius written above; but the alteration is not followed afterwards. "R.T." was responsible for the part. In the right-hand margin are the initials "T.P.," i.e.

In such letters is butcher's meat also "very dear." Try now, "Migh verrie deare Wyfe." Is it not immediately infinitely more soft and tender? Is there not something exquisitely pleasant in lingering over those redundant letters, leaving each word, as it were, with a reluctant caress? Such spelling is a soft, domestic, lovingly wasteful use of material.

Louis as we have intended early in the Spring. we fear also that Such a measure might also discourage those who would in Such Case remain, and migh possibly hazard the fate of the expedition. we have never hinted to any one of the party that we had Such a Scheem in contemplation, and all appear perfectly to have made up their minds, to Succeed in the expedition or perish in the attempt. we all believe that we are about to enter on the most perilous and dificuelt part of our Voyage, yet I See no one repineing; all appear ready to meet those dificuelties which await us with resolution and becomeing fortitude.

I was not quite so sure that you would be the same; I know you are so clever, and you must have seen and learnt so much to fill your mind; I was not quite sure you would care about me now." "I have never had any doubt that you would be the same, whenever I migh see you," said Philip, "I mean, the same in everything that made me like you better than any one else.