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Tim, following the young woman's advice, curled himself up in a corner where he was easily hidden. "And now," said Mrs. Peter, "I'll just go up on the deck as usual, so that if any boats pass us who know us by sight, they'll never think we've any runaways on board; though for my part I can't see as that Mick'd dare to make much stir, seeing as he might be had up for stealing them."

"'Twas that, p'raps, if us was very good and did just ezactly what her tells us, us'd go somewhere soon, where us'd be very happy," said Pamela. "Where do you fink it can be, Duke? Us mustn't tell nobody, not even Tim; but I don't mind, for Diana said she thought Tim'd go too. Duke shook his head. "No," he said, "they'll never send us home now. Mick'd be put in prison if he took us home.

I said so to Diana, I did, as soon as ever I see'd what Mick was after, a-tempting you and missy with his nonsense about the bowl you wanted; there's no bowls like what you wanted among the crocks." "Why didn't you call out to us and tell us not to come?" said Duke. "I dursn't and Mick'd have told you it was all my lies. And I never thought he was a-going to bring you right away neither.

Pamela's face fell. "I don't know. I never thought of that," she said. "But I daresay there's one that goes to not far off from there. And Mick would never catch us then, would he, Tim? We'd go so fast, wouldn't we?" "They don't go that fast not canal boats," replied Tim. "Still I don't think as Mick'd ever think of looking for us there. That'd be the best of it."

Tell them it was none of his fault, your being stolen away he's but a poor homeless waif himself; and even if so be as they could do nothing for him, he mustn't come back here. Mick'd be like to kill him." "But Grandpapa and Grandmamma will be good to him. I know they will," said Duke and Pamela together. "They'd be good to you too, Diana," they added timidly. But Diana again shook her head.