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"I'm husky, all right. Only they've got so used to seeing me laying around that they can't bear to let me go." "Do you have to lie flat on your back like that, with no pillow or anything?" "It ain't so bad, except at mess-time." "And you can't even sit up to eat?" "Not supposed to." Miss Bartlett eyed him compassionately.

Wherever she takes a house for six months she calls it 'New Molloyville; and has had one in Mallow, in Bandon, in Sligo, in Castlebar, in Fermoy, in Drogheda, and the deuce knows where besides: but the blinds were down, and though I thought I saw somebody behind 'em, no notice was taken of poor Denny Haggarty, and I paced up and down all mess-time in hopes of catching a glimpse of Jemima, but in vain.

"After all, when mess-time came, when the 'Roast beef' played, and we assembled at dinner, and the soup and fish had gone round, with two glasses of sherry in, my spirits rallied, and a very jolly evening consoled me for all my fatigues and exertions, and supplied me with energy for the morrow; for, let me observe here, that I only made love before dinner.

"Well, well, mate, we're our own masters still; and, when the colonel sends his man for me, I'll tell him 'no, so plain he'll understand. 'Less I may be off on my rounds, singin' to beat a premer donner. Hark! mess-time already. There goes eight bells. What's for us, cook?" As he spoke, the little bell, which hung from the ceiling, struck eight tinkling notes and Glory's face clouded.