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I must have a chatter with a woman, and I'm in awe of you, sir, that I am, but men and men I see to talk to for a lift of my finger, by the dozen, in my duke's palace though they're old ones, that's true but a woman who's a lady, and kind enough to be my maid, I haven't met yet since I had the right to wear a coronet. There, I'll hold Chloe's hand, and that'll do.

Deane, I use for those who show themselves my friends." The two men parted with some restraint. Deane, after a few minutes' hesitation, went to the telephone and called up Vine at his club. "I want to talk to you, Vine, at once," he said. "Can you come round?" "In ten minutes," was the answer. "I shall wait for you," the ambassador answered, ringing off.

Shattuck's back was toward her when he replied. "Sorry to spoil any more illusions, dear child, but how about the long list of men who are annually ruined by it? The men in the prisons, the men who kill themselves, the men who hang for it?" "Those are crimes. I am not talking of the criminal classes, but of the world in which normal people live."

Artists are content to pay the price for mastery in their art, students think it no hardship to remain ignorant of much in order to know their own subject thoroughly; men of business feel it no sacrifice to give up culture, leisure, and sometimes still higher things, such as love and purity, to win wealth.

A brilliant and effective pamphlet, "De Bonaparte et des Bourbons," published by him in 1814, was said by Louis XVIII. to be worth an army of a hundred thousand men to the cause of the Bourbons; and upon their re-establishment Chateaubriand was immediately in high favor, and was made a member of the Chamber of Peers.

In fact, as was true of the other six sleeping men of the watch below, awaking and leaping from bunk to floor were simultaneous. We knew what had happened. The others waited for nothing, rushing only partly clad upon deck. But I knew what to expect, and I did wait. I knew that if we escaped at all, it would be by the longboat. No man could swim in so freezing a sea.

Neither would such unpardonable blunders have been committed. We were glad that the enemy had allowed us to pass. That night we crossed the fighting-line near to Sprinkhaan's Nek, where General De Wet and his men had such a hot reception. On the evening of the 14th of March, 1901, my commando crossed the Tarka River, after which Tarka Stad is named.

"I'm not sure the chaperons like it. And I doubt if it is proper to pack them off by themselves, especially when one is a widow and the other is a widower." "It's a case of chaperon eat chaperon. I hope your friend didn't mind it. I had nearly despaired of finding a seat." "Mr. Meigs? He did not say he liked it, but he is the most obliging of men."

I'd trust Bea as I would myself!" "Oh, dearie, you don't understand me! I'm sure she's a good girl. I mean she's green, and I hope that none of these horrid young men that there are around town will get her into trouble! It's their parents' fault, letting them run wild and hear evil things.

I knew the properties and effects of some of the drugs, and besides them was a little book in the drawers to help me. "`Come, said I to myself, `savages are apt to treat medical men with rather more respect than often do civilised people. I will pretend to be a doctor, and they will probably not attempt to hurt me.