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"O, sir, please, here's Tranter Dewy, and old William Dewy, and young Richard Dewy, O, and all the quire too, sir, except the boys, a-come to see you!" said Mr. Maybold's maid-servant to Mr. Maybold, the pupils of her eyes dilating like circles in a pond.

"By the way, Fancy, do you know why our quire is to be dismissed?" "No: except that it is Mr. Maybold's wish for me to play the organ." "Do you know how it came to be his wish?" "That I don't." "Mr. Shiner, being churchwarden, has persuaded the vicar; who, however, was willing enough before.

At this the vicar reddened a little, and said, "Yes, yes," though not at all comprehending Dick's true meaning, who, as he received no further reply, continued hesitatingly, and with another smile denoting his pride as a lover "I suppose you know what I mean, sir? You've heard about me and Miss Day?" The red in Maybold's countenance went away: he turned and looked Dick in the face.

Old William moved uneasily in the large chair, and with a minute smile on the mere edge of his lips, for good-manners, said he was indeed very fond of tunes. "Now, you see exactly how it is," Reuben continued, appealing to Mr. Maybold's sense of justice by looking sideways into his eyes.

Maybold's to- morrow, instead o' me, and I'll go wi' Smiler and the wagon." It was a relief; for Mrs. The best spring-cart was washed throughout, the axles oiled, and the bees placed therein for the journey.