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"B'en!" chuckled old Tom again. "You find out how 'tis with th' old witch. We know how 'tis with Marrlyou. 'Twere the silver bullet did it. If sh' 'adn't jumped 'twould ha' gone through 'er 'ead," and he went off chuckling through his pipe-stem.

But when old Tom Hamon put it to him direct, he had to confess that he never had seen old Mother Vautrin and Marielihou together, nor both at the same time. "B'en!" said old Tom, as if that ended the matter. "An' I tell you, if I had a silver bullet I'd soon try what that Marrlyou's made of." "And why a silver bullet?" asked Graeme. "'Cause Lead bullets an't no good 'gainst the likes o' Marrlyou.

"Oh, he's quite happy bold as a lion and graceful as a panther, and Scamp talks more than enough for the two of them." "And what a fine big cat you have, Johnnie!" said Miss Penny, and stretched a friendly hand towards Marielihou. "What do you call it?" "Marrlyou," growled Johnnie; and Marielihou bristled and spat at the advancing white hand, which retired rapidly.

He was just starting out when Johnnie Vautrin hailed him from his lair in the hedge. "Heh, Mist' Graeme! I seen " "Better not, Johnnie!" he said, with a warning finger. "If it's anything uncomfortable I'll come right over and jump on you and Marrlyou." "Goderabetin, you dassen't!" "Oh, dassen't I? If you don't see everything good for this week, and fine weather too, you little imp, I'll "