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A day or two after this evening, Harry, coming in from a smoke, saw Bluebell, with a pleased, intent face, writing, as fast as the pen could scratch, over some foreign paper. "Oh, Harry," cried she without looking up, "we must not forget to walk into the town this afternoon. It is mail-day, I have no stamps." Dutton's face became suddenly overcast.

With trembling expectancy every mail-day I watched for the boy's return down the tortuous track to the house, but it was always, "No letters for the school-missus." A week, a fortnight, dragged away. Oh, the slow horror of those never-ending days! At the end of three weeks Mr M'Swat went to the post unknown to me, and surprised me with a couple of letters.

Every available day of the Dry was needed for the work; but there is one thing in the Never-Never that refuses to take a secondary place the mailman; and at the end of a week we all found, once again, that we had business at the homestead; for six weeks had slipped away since our last mail-day, and the Fizzer was due once more.

I did not wonder that on mail-day everybody came out in front of the quarters and asked: "Is the mail-carrier in?" And nothing much was done or thought of on that day, until we saw him come jogging in, the mail-bag tied behind his saddle. Our letters were from two to three weeks old.

"Farewell, dearest beloved MD, and love poor, poor Presto, who has not had one happy day since he left you, as hope saved." With them with her he hid himself in the world, at Court, at the bar of St. James's coffee-house, whither he went on the Irish mail-day, and was "in pain except he saw MD's little handwriting."

Making a New Home Carriere's Kitchen The Navvies' Salle-a-Manger A Curious Milking Custom Insect Plagues Peterboro' Canoes Fishing Trips Mail-day Indian dread of drowning The Indian Mail-carrier and his Partner Talking by Telegraph Prairie Fires. A detailed account of how we spent the next few weeks would be of little interest, so I will only give it in outline.

Pippin gave vent to no outburst of relief, maintaining a courteous silence, making only one allusion to his late guest, in answer to a remark of Scorrier: "Ah! don't tempt me! mustn't speak behind his back." A month passed, and Scorrier still remained Pippin's guest. As each mail-day approached he experienced a queer suppressed excitement.

When at last the mails brought us month-old papers from England, we read that "The gallant Australians" at Suvla "took" Lala Baba and Chocolate Hill; indeed, as Hawk read out in our dug-out one mail-day

It was pitifully plain to her that Will Musgrave's place in his wife's heart was very, very narrow. It had dwindled perceptibly since the baby's death. On the subject of Will's letters, Nick could have enlightened her, for he always appeared at the cottage on mail-day for news. But Muriel, having discovered this habit, as regularly absented herself, with the result that they seldom met.

We picked blueberries whenever our hands were not employed in driving off the flies. But our chief excitement during the week was the arrival of the mail. Our first thought every Thursday morning was, "This is mail-day," and Joe's white canoe was eagerly watched for often in vain, as storms on the Lake of the Woods, when the canoes could not venture out, delayed its coming until Friday.