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Lympho-sarcoma can usually be differentiated by the rapid assumption of the local features of malignant disease, and in a gland removed for examination, a predominance of small round cells with scanty protoplasm. The enlargement associated with leucocythæmia is differentiated by the characteristic changes in the blood. Treatment. In the acute form of lymphadenoma, treatment is of little avail.

We have observed a case of lympho-sarcoma above the clavicle, in which excision of all that was removable, followed by the insertion of a tube of radium for ten days, was followed by a disappearance of the disease over a period which extended to nearly five years, when death resulted from a tumour in the mediastinum.

The chief importance lies in differentiating tuberculous disease from lympho-sarcoma and from lymphadenoma, and this is usually possible from the history and from the nature of the enlargement. Signs of liquefaction and suppuration support the diagnosis of tubercle. If any doubt remains, one of the glands should be removed and submitted to microscopical examination.

Thus, in virtue of the size and character of the cells, we have the small round-celled and the large round-celled sarcoma, the small and the large spindle-celled, the giant-celled and the mixed-celled sarcoma. The lympho-sarcoma presents a structure similar to that of lymph-follicular tissue, and the alveolar sarcoma an arrangement of cells in alveoli resembling that seen in cancers.

#Primary Tumours.# Lympho-sarcoma, which may be regarded as a sarcoma starting in a lymph gland, appears in the neck, axilla, or groin as a rapidly growing tumour consisting of one enlarged gland with numerous satellites.