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Leaning against the Sphinx, he lies there thoughtful and meditative, as if he were thinking on the rolling centuries; and little love-gods sport with him and with the crocodiles. In the horn of plenty sat with folded arms a little tiny love-god, contemplating the great solemn river-god, a true picture of the boy at the spinning wheel the features were exactly the same.

Her back was turned toward, her husband; but their eyes met in the great mirror, supported by frail love-gods, who contended for its possession. "Comedy for comedy," she murmured. He wondered what purblind fool had called her eyes sea-cold? "I do not understand," he said. "You saw me all the while Yes, but the locket ?" cried de Puysange.

Leaning against the Sphinx, he lies there thoughtful and meditative, as if he were thinking on the rolling centuries; and little love-gods sport with him and with the crocodiles. In the horn of plenty sat with folded arms a little tiny love-god, contemplating the great solemn river-god, a true picture of the boy at the spinning wheel the features were exactly the same.

"Well, now I will make recompense," said the Duke. He came into the room, humming a tune of the boulevards; the crimson hangings swirled about him, the furniture swayed in aerial and thin-legged minuets. He sank into a chair before the great mirror, supported by frail love-gods, who contended for its possession. He viewed therein his pale and grotesque reflection, and he laughed lightly.