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Penes tamen domitos est totius regni pondus et regimen, quia melius vel minus male quam alii politizant." Bk. i, ch. viii. "Adhuc Scotiae ferme medietas Hibernice loquitur, et a paucis retroactis diebus plures Hibernice loquuti sunt." Bk. i, ch. ix. "Anno 1411, praelium Harlaw apud Scotos famigeratum commissum est.

The records of the French theatre demonstrate this fact; in the "Mystery of Saint Barbara," we find this stage direction: Pausa. Vadunt, et stultus loquitur. And in this way he is frequently brought on between the scenes. It is quite obvious that the terms Clown and fool were used, though improperly, perhaps, as synonymous by our old dramatists.

I no more like a web where the knots and seams are to be seen, than a fine figure, so delicate, that a man may tell all the bones and veins: "Quae veritati operam dat oratio, incomposita sit et simplex." "Quis accurat loquitur, nisi qui vult putide loqui?" That eloquence prejudices the subject it would advance, that wholly attracts us to itself.

The Physical Ego loquitur: "I become aware of being surrounded by phenomena, I will to see I perceive and wonder what is the meaning of everything I begin to think I reflect by combining former experiences I am conscious that I am, and that I am free to choose between Right and Wrong, but that I am responsible for my actions to a Higher Power; that what I call 'I am' is itself only the shadow, or in some incomprehensible sense the breathing organ, of a wonderful divine Afflatus or Power which is growing up within, or in intimate connection with me, and which itself is akin to the Reality.

Or would parts of The Excursion be more likely to create a furore? I have never recited in public before, and feel rather doubtful of my ability to "hold" the Victuallers. Mr. Faithful Unionist Sentry, loquitur: Faith! yes, a dilemma, no doubt, is the thing To stagger Big Bounce, in a fashion Socratic. I fancy I know now to plant a sharp sting, The success of my bayonet-play is emphatic.