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Lonnon had been six weeks in prison; he was released without difficulty, on my paying $20.38 expenses and no one seemed to know why he had been confined or arrested, as the law does not presume persons of mixed blood to be slaves. But for the others, I had great difficulty in procuring what was considered competent witnesses to prove them free.

"Well, old woman," said John Avenel, "I must be off presently to see to those three shaky voters in Fish Lane; they will have done their work soon, and I shall catch 'em at home. They do say as how we may have an opposition; and I know that old Smikes has gone to Lonnon in search of a candidate. We can't have the Lansmere Constitutional Blues beat by a Lonnoner! Ha, ha, ha!"

No complaint of improper conduct had been made against either of them. Lonnon has been employed in the South Sea fishery from Nantucket and New Bedford, nearly all his life; has sailed on those voyages in the ships Eagle, Maryland, Gideon, Triton, and Samuel. "The other was born in St. Johns, Nova Scotia, and bears the name of William Smith, a seaman by profession.

"And so this is the game I am to play, is it?" "That's it, sir; if she ax's you, 'are you goin' to get married? you'll tell her 'yes, to a lady as you've knowed from your childhood's hour, living in Lonnon, that's all, sir." "That's all is it, Adam!" said Bellew slowly, turning to look up at the moon again. "It doesn't sound very much, does it?

"Well, old woman," said John Avenel, "I must be off presently to see to those three shaky voters in Fish Lane; they will have done their work soon, and I shall catch 'em at home. They do say as how we may have an opposition; and I know that old Smikes has gone to Lonnon in search of a candidate. We can't have the Lansmere Constitutional Blues beat by a Lonnoner! Ha, ha, ha!"

"But you will be home before Jane and her husband Mark come? How ever she could marry a common carpenter!" "Yes," said John, "he is a carpenter; but he has a vote, and that strengthens the family interest. If Dick was not gone to Amerikay, there would be three on us. But Mark is a real good Blue! A Lonnoner, indeed! a Yellow from Lonnon beat my Lord and the Blues! Ha, ha!" "But, John, this Mr.

"Did he ever speak of the lady he is going to marry?" "Lady?" repeated Adam, giving a sudden twist to his hat. "Yes, the lady who lives in London?" "No, Miss Anthea," answered Adam, screwing his hat tighter, and tighter. "Why what do you mean?" "I mean as there never was no lady, Miss Anthea, neither up to Lonnon, nor nowhere's else, as I ever heard on." "But oh Adam! you told me "

"In pursuing the cook of the William Tell, I found three other free men, confined in the same prison; one belonged also to Baltimore, by the name of Leaven Dogerty: he was also released, on my paying $28 expenses; one was a descendant of the Indians who once inhabited Nantucket his name is Eral Lonnon.

"Aha, Jerry!" he cried, "whom do you bring to triumph over me in my abasement? For shame, Jerry! Is this the act of a loving and affectionate Bo'sun, the Bo'sun of my innocent childhood? Oh, bruise and blister me!" "Why, sir," answered the Bo'sun, beaming through his whiskers, "this be only a young genelman, like yourself, as be bound for Lonnon, Master Horatio."

'I'll do that, sir. And I'll try to do my best wi' her. 'She can help ye, ye ken, wi' yer washin', an' sic like. 'She's a hard-workin' wuman, sir. She wad do that weel. 'And whan ye're in ony want o' siller, jist write to me. An' gin onything suld happen to me, ye ken, write to Mr. Gordon, a frien' o' mine. There's his address in Lonnon. 'Eh, sir, but ye are kin'. God bless ye for a'.