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"If you don't, by God, I'll whup the nigger hide clean off yore back," and the sheriff reached for the braided whip which his son Jimmy handed him. "I sweah Ah don' know where dey is!" "You dirty liah," taking out a watch; "I'll give you jest five minutes t' tell, an' then " he menaced with the up-lifted whip. In stubborn silence the girl waited the five minutes out.

"O love!" was all his passion could murmur as they clasped in the blessed dark, while she, not waiting to hear word or voice, rubbed half the rice powder and rouge from her lips and cheeks to his and cried, "O you sweet, speckle', yalleh niggeh liah, you tol' me you on'y play de fife in de similitude o' ligislation!"

"'Uh huh, sez Hannibal, 'den I reckon is mus' be some udder nigger w'at meets a 'oman down by de crick in de swamp ev'y Sunday ebenin', ter say nuffin' 'bout two er th'ee times a week. "'Yas, hit is ernudder nigger, en you is a liah w'en you say it wuz Jeff. "'Mebbe I is a liah, en mebbe I ain' got good eyes.

We stood aside to let them pass. At all events, he turned upon me the light of a countenance, broad, yellow, and effulgent as the harvest moon of pastoral poetry; and, like a silver clarion, rung the accents of that unknown tongue: "Ah-pang-sen-lo! Missa Collin! sen-lo! Tlee-po' week, me plully liah, all li; nek time, you plully liah, all li! Missa Smyte talkee you bimeby! Hak-i-long-see-ho!

"What time was it when he came back?" I asked. "Ha'f past eight, suh." I gave the boy a dollar and he went away happy. Jackson had a sheepish look on his face. "Then Mr. Woods wasn't here all through dinner, Jackson?" "Drat dat boy, he make me out a liah fo' a dollah," he grinned. "Are you sure, absolutely sure, that you saw Mr. Woods at half past eight?" I questioned. "Yas, suh!

"He's allus been threatenin' what kairosene and matches would do to barns; and it wouldn't be no satisfaction to send 'Liah Luce to State Prison he ain't account enough. It wouldn't pay the loser for a stand of buildin's havin' him there." Cap'n Sproul began to understand some of the sane business reasons that guaranteed the immunity of Aholiah Luce, so long as he stuck to petty thieving.

"'Uh huh, sez Hannibal, 'den I reckon it mus' be some udder nigger w'at meets a 'oman down by de crick in de swamp eve'y Sunday ebenin', ter say nuffin 'bout two er th'ee times a week. "'Yas, hit is ernudder nigger, en you is a liah w'en you say it wuz Jeff. "'Mebbe I is a liah, en mebbe I ain' got good eyes.

Harper could not stand that impeachment of her honor and she quickly hissed, "Yer air jes' a plain, orternary liah, Silas. I is er hones' 'oman myself. But out wid yer pizen. I been knowin' 'twuz in yer." "I 'peats ergin whut I dun sed. Yer hez been 'ceivin' me, Dilsy; yer been 'ceivin' me, an I ken prove it." Mrs.

"If you think it's a job to set any man to, you'd better go and do it yourself," retorted Snell, bridling. "You know as well as I do, s'leckman, that so long as 'Liah has been let alone he's only been a plain thief, and we've got along with him here in town all right onpleasant and somewhat expensive, like potater-bugs.

They need a good, able-bodied pauper woman there, like you seem to be. The other wimmen paupers are bedridden." "My husband will never let me be took to the poorhouse and kept there." "Oh, there ain't goin' to be any trouble from that side. You're right in line to be a widder most any time now." "Be you goin' to kill 'Liah?" she wailed. "It will be a self-actin' proposition, marm.