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Gertrude: Let not thy mother lose her prayers, Ham a lette. When he heard this and more like it, Henry Irving exercised his independence of opinion and refused to accept Fanny Kemble's view of the gentle, melancholy, and well-bred Prince of Denmark.

And whan it came to the ende of nine monethes, there com a voys to him, and seyde, Go to the tombe of that woman, and open it and beholde what thou hast begotten on hire: and if thou lette to go, thou schalt have a gret harm. And there ben manye perilouse passages. Fro Rodes to Cypre ben 500 myle and more. But men may gon to Cypre, and come not at Rodes.

It was the maner in the first churche, both among men and women, to lette their heare growe, to shewe out their naked skinne, and very litle or nothing to diffre in apparelle. Sainct Peter put first ordre, that women should couer their heades, and menne rounde their heare, and either of them to go in seueralle and sondrye apparelle.

Their houses are made of wickers, and withes, wrought aboute trees, moch like vnto those that we calle frankencence trees, and in suche sorte that they may tourne them rounde euery waye. The Maries, shaue the lefte side of their heade, and lette the heare growe on the right. They die their bodie in redde, and vaunte that they come of the Troianes.

Besides this, if the artillerie of the enemies should not make me afraied, in besiegyng a Toune, where it hurteth me with more safegarde, beyng defended of a wall, I beyng not able to prevente it, but onely with tyme, with my artillerie to lette it, after soche sorte that it maie double the blowe as it liste, why should I feare thesame in the field, where I maie quickly prevent it?

LETTE has "reefs extending along shore at the distance of half a mile from the land." MOA has reefs on the S.W. part. LAKOR has a reef lining its shore; these islands are coloured red.

A way of escape was, however, according to the fourteenth century prose version of the "Brut," soon provided, for "whenne the kyng herde and wiste of this vengeance that was falle thurghe saynt Austines powere he lette make one howse in honour of God ... at the brugges end," children born in which would not be afflicted with the dreaded appendage.

Ay, ay, Madam, to the Comfort of many a hoping Coxcomb: but Lette, Rogue Lette thou wo't not make me free o'th' City a second time, wo't thou entice the Rogues with the Twire and the wanton Leer the amorous Simper that cries, come, kiss me then the pretty round Lips are pouted out he, Rogue, how I long to be at 'em! well, she shall never go to Church more, that she shall not. L. Ful.

And to prove that it is a profitable thyng, to let the sight of the enemie, there maie be brought for insample Epaminondas, whom to blind the enemies armie, whiche came to faight with hym, he caused his light horsemen, to run before the fronte of the enemies, to raise up the duste, and to lette their sight, whereby he gotte the victorie.

And since ye Monarch's head's too small to holde With comfort to himselfe ye crowne of gold, Why not enwax and hooke ye goatee rare, And lette ye British crown hang down from there?" Whether or no the Baron of Peddlington was guilty of this traitorous effusion no one, not even the king, could ever really make up his mind.