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So Joseph dabbled in toxicology, did he? thought Neale in that case, perhaps, there was something in the theory which had been gaining ground during the last twenty-four hours that Hollis had been poisoned first and thrown into the old lead-mine later on. And what of the somebody, Horbury or whoever it was, that lay behind that grim-looking door?

He preceded them along the narrow track until, on an open space in the moorland, they came to one of the old lead-mine shafts, the mouth of which had been fenced in by a roughly built wall of stone gathered from its immediate surroundings.

In taking the place, I have made a large sacrifice in the way of salary, in the hope of securing comfort, by which word I do not mean to express good eating and drinking, or warm fire, or a soft bed, but the society of cheerful faces, and minds and hearts not dug out of a lead-mine, or cut from a marble quarry.

And they want my lead-mine; and if young Darley comes to try and take it, I hope you'll break his neck." "Yes, father." "But you did not come out well, my boy," said Sir Edward irritably. "The young cub has some good in him, and he behaved splendidly."

I have heard several of our younger men wondering that he does not show more magnanimity. He yawns while Pollock is speaking; a sign of weariness which, in their present relation to each other, he would do well to suppress. He has said some very good, but very bitter, things. There was a case of a lead-mine.

I have not come to rob you. I don't ask you to give me ten thousand dollars. All I want is a loan, for which I will pledge good security." "What kind of security?" asked Jasper quickly. "Security on my lead-mine." "Pooh! I wouldn't give the snap of a finger for such security!" Jasper, thrown off his guard, spoke more contemptuously than was prudent.

"Ain't a-goin' to turn evidence?" cried Cranks, grasping the pistol on the table. "I'm a-goin' to make a lead-mine of you ef you don't take that back!" roared the colonel, with a bound, which caused Cranks to drop his pistol, and retire precipitately backward, apologizing as he went. "I'm goin' to tend to my own bizness, and that's enough to keep any man busy.

So, instead of going to old Master Rayburn's cottage, Mark walked back to the Black Tor, and after making up his mind to go down into the lead-mine, and chip off bits of spar, he went and talked to his sister, and told her, naturally enough, all that had passed.

Shoot him all over if you like. One or two bullets don't hurt a beast. It takes a lead-mine to kill some of 'em." "Do the blacks shoot?" asked Charlie. "No, I don't never trust no blacks with firearms. One boy knifes well, though. Races alongside and knifes 'em." This seemed a fairly difficult performance; while the Englishman was wondering how it would be carried out, they made a start.

Thus, a gryphaea is stated by M. Virlet to have been met with in a lead-mine near Semur, in France, and a madrepore in a compact vein of cinnabar in Hungary. Carne mentions true pebbles of quartz and slate in a tin lode of the Relistran Mine, at the depth of 600 feet below the surface.