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They were riding on the broad four-mile road, blasted out of the rock, that winds round Jakko. The deodars stood thick above them, with the sunlight filtering through; a thousand feet below lay the little square fields, yellow and green, of the King of Koti.

And having bathed in the tirtha called Koti, one obtaineth the merit of a horse-sacrifice. A virtuous man should next proceed to the tirtha of Sthanu, the husband of Uma, known over the three worlds by the name of Bhadravata. That best of men who goeth to Bhadravata, beholdeth Isana and obtaineth the fruit of a gift of a thousand kine.

As he had many followers and seemed very reckless, the old Rajah did not think it prudent at the time to interfere with him by force. Once settled, he began to intrigue. The quarrel of Patalolo with the Sultan of Koti was of his fomenting, but failed to produce the result he expected because the Sultan could not back him up effectively at such a great distance.

The men are seldom tatued, but when they are it is in the Kayan manner. The Peng or Pnihing of the Koti basin have an elaborate system of male tatu, but it seems to be dying out; the only examples that we have met are shown on Pl. 141, Figs. 2 and 3. These represent the arms of Peng men; unfortunately we have no information as to the significance of the designs.

Then should one, O king, go to the unrivalled tirtha called Bhartristhana. By this, a person obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice. Bathing next in the tirtha called Koti, and worshipping Kartikeya, a man reapeth, O king, the merit of giving away a thousand kine, and acquireth great energy.

One should next, O virtuous one, proceed to the excellent tirtha called Bhartristhana, where, O king, ever dwells the celestial generalissimo Kartikeya. By a journey only to that spot, a person, O foremost of kings, attaineth to success. Bathing next at the tirtha called Koti, one earneth the merit of giving away a thousand kine. Having walked round Koti, one should proceed next to Jyeshthasthana.

L. and I, therefore, secured a canoe, and, accompanied by five Malay sailors from the launch, one of whom was acquainted with the Poonan language, we proceeded up river to a large house occupied by this curious tribe, who inhabit the country between the Rejang and Koti rivers.

After walking round the place, one should, O bull of the Bharata race, proceed to the tirtha named Dhara, which, O thou of great wisdom, washeth off all sins. Bathing there, O tiger among men, a man is freed from every sorrow. There should one, with concentrated soul, bathe in the tirtha called Koti. By this, one obtaineth the merit of the Pundarika sacrifice, and delivereth his race.

And having bathed in the tirtha called Koti, one obtaineth the merit of a horse-sacrifice. A virtuous man should next proceed to the tirtha of Sthanu, the husband of Uma, known over the three worlds by the name of Bhadravata. That best of men who goeth to Bhadravata, beholdeth Isana and obtaineth the fruit of a gift of a thousand kine.

O virtuous one, one should next proceed to Tarantuka, the gatekeeper, and residing there for one night one obtaineth the merit of giving away a thousand kine. Proceeding next with subdued senses and regulated diet to Panchananda and bathing in the tirtha there, called Koti, one obtaineth the fruit of the horse-sacrifice.