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"It is strange to be hungry," she said, "The Countess Mezkarpin was never hungry!" Then suddenly she started and turned white to the lips, swaying forward with her eyes dilated. From behind the curtain came voices talking together; one was harsh and rather loud, and the other Kaya's eyes were fixed on the curtain; she rose slowly from the divan and crept forward on tip-toe, a step at a time.

A final conference was appointed for the conclusion of the bargain at the Orang Kaya's, at which numbers were present; and the devoted victims, lulled into fatal security, had ceased to bring their formidable kempilans. At the last interview, the forty reals being still deficient, the Orang Kaya proposed receiving their gold-mounted krisses in pledge for the amount.

Wan Lingga's men raised their war-yell, and shrieking 'By order of the King! fired into To’ Kâya's house. Old To’ Kâya, thus rudely awakened, set his men to hold the enemy in check, and himself passed out of the house in the centre of the mob of his frightened women-folk.

At the sight of the flames, To’ Kâya's son, a boy of about twelve years of age, made a rush at the curtains, pulled them down, and stamped the fire out. To’ Kâya's mother-in-law, meanwhile, had rushed out of the house, seized the baby who still lay on the verandah, and set off at a run.

The girl's father, hearing the noise, ran out of the house, and was greeted by To’ Kâya with a spear thrust in the stomach which doubled him up, and, like Abner Dean of Angel's, 'the subsequent proceedings interested him no more. Meanwhile, To’ Kâya's wife had rushed out of the house, and returned to her home.

The tears rose slowly into Kaya's eyes, and she hid her face in the pillow. "You didn't believe me," said the Kapellmeister, "but you see I was better than my word I have come myself. Why do you suppose I have come?" She lay silent.

But if you don't go away in time, I will shoot you before it grows too dark to take aim. Not till then, Number One, but I will do it then. Now finish! "'All right, I said. 'Finish as far as I am concerned; but you can have no objections to the mem putih coming over to stay with the Orang Kaya's women for a few days.

One of the hindermost was a man named Gĕnih, and to him To’ Kâya shouted: 'Gĕnih! it profits the Râja little that he gives thou and such as thee food both morning and evening! Thou art indeed a bitter coward. If thou fearest me so greatly, go seek for guns and kill me from afar off! Gĕnih took To’ Kâya's advice.

At night-time, therefore, he took to haunting graveyards, in the hope that the ghosts of the mighty dead the warriors of ancient times would appear to him and instruct him in the sciences which had died with them. Women are notoriously perverse, and To’ Kâya's wife persisted in misunderstanding the motives which kept him abroad far into the night.

The light died out of the boy's face: "Bárin," he said humbly, "In Moscow you will teach me to play like yourself. I am nothing but an ignorant bradjaga as you see." Suddenly he put his hand to his mouth and began to cough: "The dust!" he said, "It has gone to my throat all at once. Eh what? Excuse me a moment, Bárin." Kaya's yellow curls were close to his ear and she whispered something.