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The snowy owl too, the jerfalcon, and the eagle, were looked upon as part of the larder the flesh of all being almost as good as that of the grouse. Had it been a fishing eagle such as the bald-head the case would have been different, for these last, on account of their peculiar food, taste rank and disagreeable. But there was no danger of their falling in with a fishing eagle at that place.

I pounced like a jerfalcon onto the mountain Jurkumen, and thence over the lake Buyur, and I captured for you the cranes with blue claws and gray plumage, that is to say, the Durbans and Taidshuts. Then I passed the lake Keule. There I took the cranes with blue feet; that is, the Katakins, Saldjuts, and Kunkurats. This is the fifth service I have done you.

Here Francois triumphantly pointed to the pile of birds, which in all, with the jerfalcon, counted four brace and a half. One was the rock-grouse, which the falcon had itself killed, and the others were willow-grouse, as Lucien had stated. Francois now remained silent, while Basil related his day's adventure.

"It shall be announced," she continued, "that the knight who proves the best shall wed me and be lord of my lands. If he be already wedded, his wife shall have a coronal of gold, set with precious stones to the value of a thousand pounds, and a white jerfalcon." "It is well," said the king. "That will bring Sir Gareth, if he be alive and able to come.

"Yes," continued the naturalist, "it is the jerfalcon; and those other birds which you call `white partridges, are the very creatures upon which it preys. So you have killed both the tyrant and his victims. And as Lucien said this, he began to handle the birds, which were of a beautiful white all over, with the exception of the tail-feathers. These last were pitch-black.

"Yes," continued the naturalist, "it is the jerfalcon; and those other birds which you call 'white partridges, are the very creatures upon which it preys. So you have killed both the tyrant and his victims. They are not partridges though, but grouse that species known as 'willow grouse."

It is found in North Europe, Greenland, and Iceland, and has been seen as far north on both continents as human beings have travelled. It is known by the name of 'jerfalcon, or 'gyrfalcon, but its zoological name is Falco Islandicus."

It is found in North Europe, Greenland, and Iceland, and has been seen as far north on both continents as human beings have travelled. It is known by the name of `jerfalcon, or `gyrfalcon, but its zoological name is Falco Islandicus."

Here François triumphantly pointed to the pile of birds, which in all, with the jerfalcon, counted four brace and a half. One was the rock-grouse, which the falcon had itself killed, and the others were willow-grouse, as Lucien had stated. François now remained silent, while Basil related his day's adventure.

The snowy owl too, the jerfalcon, and the eagle, were looked upon as part of the larder the flesh of all being almost as good as that of the grouse. Had it been a fishing eagle such as the bald-head the case would have been different, for these last, on account of their peculiar food, taste rank and disagreeable. But there was no danger of their falling in with a fishing eagle at that place.