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I hope, though, that Michael never had half the trouble finding his paints and brushes that Nick had to get at his tommies and jemmies, and dozens of strange little instruments. He lay with his mouth bristling with giant pins, and had the air of a conscientious dentist filling a difficult tooth.

"I thought that was the last thing a burglar would do," said Zora. "They generally use jemmies," he said gravely. "Wiggleswick has given me his collection. They're very useful." "What for?" she asked. "To kill moths with," he replied dreamily. "But what made you take a superannuated burglar for a valet?" "I don't know. Perhaps it was Wiggleswick himself.

They promised not to catch him; and they carried out their promise." "Matilda, such questions are beyond you altogether. You can not be expected to understand the service. One of those trumpery, half-decked craft or they used to be half-deckers in my time has had three of those fresh-meat Jemmies over her in a single twelvemonth. But of course they were all bound by the bargain they had made.

But to open the tomb and, close it again, and leave no trace of what has been done, will require all our skill. And as burglars' jemmies are not on open sale we must buy, on our way to the railway-station, screw-drivers, chisels, a hammer, and a lantern; for who should know better than you, dear Sibyl, that the palace of Nin-ki-gal is dark?

Yet neither would put the secret fear into speech, for each by instinct felt that a fear once uttered is strengthened and made more real. Living solitary and unprotected by male sinews, in a house which, though it did not stand alone, was somewhat withdrawn from the town, they knew themselves the ideal prey of conventional burglars with masks, dark lanterns, revolvers, and jemmies.

In pursuance of this request, Nancy quickly laid the cloth; disappearing for a few minutes, she presently returned with a pot of porter and a dish of sheep's heads: which gave occasion to several pleasant witticisms on the part of Mr. Sikes, founded upon the singular coincidence of 'jemmies' being a can name, common to them, and also to an ingenious implement much used in his profession.

"Do you know Jemmy Cavan, sir, at Barbadoes?" inquired the doctor. "No, sir, I know no Jemmies," replied Captain Bradshaw, surprised at his familiar address. "He's a devilish good fellow, sir, I can tell you. When he gets you on shore, he'll make you dine with him every day, whether or not. He'll take no denial."

"A lot of it falls by the wayside," he said modestly, "but some of it is an eye-opener to them as don't entirely shut their ears. Only the day before yesterday I 'ad two jemmies and a dark lantern sent me with a letter saying as 'ow the owner had no further use for 'em." The jeweller's eyes glistened with admiration not quite untinged with envy. "Have you expounded the Word for long?" he inquired.

Yorick, preached before a very mixed society of Jemmies, Jessamies, Methodists, and Christians, at a nocturnal meeting in Petticoat Lane; by Christopher Flagellan, A.M." As one of the minor "Curiosities of Literature" this tract is worth noting; its author, in a preface, says that "it has been maliciously, or rather stupidly, reported that the late Mr.

"Hand out your gun," he said sharply, "and empty out your pockets both of you." Soon everything the men's pockets had contained lay upon the floor. Among the things were three pistols, two "jemmies," some curious little bottles, and some queer-looking implements I couldn't guess the use of. Just then a thought occurred to me. "But they'd have robbed this flat," I said, "if what they say is true."